Merry Christmas!

Hello and a slightly belated Merry Christmas!

I hope you all had a lovely break, I just wanted to share with you how my Christmas day was! I had such a lovely day filled with lots of food and relaxation - I couldn't have asked for more!

The best way to start the day is by making muffins, (these are from the Nigella Christmas recipe book) and fill the house with an amazing festive scents. I love the fact that they have a sugar crust on the top as it makes them super crunchy!

Then afterwards I started cooking lunch, I made so so much food! Oh it was yummy though!
My husband likes chicken, my Dad wanted turkey and I wanted a nut roast (my mum fits somewhere in the middle ha ha). Heres what we had...

Roasted sprouts & chestnuts, roasted sweet potato mash and a nut roast

I also made a warm kale, pea and mint salad which was delicious

The main event! Turkey, chicken, yorkshire puddings, stuffing, tomatoes and sweetcorn cobs

Then, finally my favourite bit - the roast potatoes and maple roasted carrots and parsnips 

I also made some fresh cranberry sauce and then for dessert we had a blueberry pavlova - which I unfortunately forgot to take a picture of ha ha! Let's just say it went down well! ;)
Then in the afternoon I made some fresh bread, once it had cooled slightly we made sandwiches in the evening with all the leftovers! I think this was pretty much my favourite part of the day. I highly recommend doing this, I was super lazy and just used a bread mix in my kitchen aid so it didn't take too much work. The bread was really delicious though and made those sandwiches all the better!

The next day I had to decide what to do with all the leftovers - there were quite a few! My husband was feeling a little under the weather so I decided to make a bone broth with the chicken bones. This is so so good for you. Chicken soup is an amazing analgesic and is so soothing. It also has so many nutrients in it too so if you're a meat eater definitely give it a try.
I also used the leftover vegetables to make a soup which was so delicious! I just boiled up the roasted vegetables with some vegetable stock and then blitzed it in the vitamix. I then served it with some of my 'mushroom' bread (only the shape, I didn't push mushrooms in it ha ha). 

I hope you had a lovely time too! Right, New Year is next... best get planning!

All the best for 2016!

Emmaline x


EATING OUT: Yu Alderley Edge

T'was the night before Christmas... :)

So it's pretty much a tradition now that on Christmas Eve, hubby and I go out for a nice meal just the two of us. We usually try somewhere new and this year was no different. We ventured out into the cold to visit the new Yu restaurant in Alderley Edge.

Firstly, it was warm - I was therefore super happy! Really busy restaurant and a great selection of food on the menu. We decided to go for the 'meat free' options as I'm still not eating meat or dairy and it was seriously yum!

I can only apologise for the pictures in advance as the lighting was (although great for eating) terrible for taking pictures!

Here's what we had... 

Chinese Pak Choi with Oyster sauce and Sesame Oil 
Tofu and Mukyui and seasonal vegetables in Chilli and Black Bean

Roasted Black Cod with Miso and Champagne

King prawns in spicy XO Sauce and wild mushrooms


Dessert - Banana and Chocolate Fritters

We had such a lovely evening, I can really recommend it. Now home to watch a Christmas movie!

Merry Christmas Everybody!!

Emmaline xx 




I know its been a short while since I posted, but with Christmas literally around the corner the clinic has been non-stop! Exciting times ahead I know, but it has been extremely busy!

I just wanted to say a big thank you to everybody who has taken the time out of their lives to read my blog posts. I really appreciate it and hope that you enjoy what you read! If there is anything that you want to see on the blog in the new year, please leave me a comment and I will do my best to post about it for you.

Lots of big things coming up in the new year and I am super excited about my new ventures - watch this space!!

All that aside though, I want to wish you and yours a very joyful and Merry Christmas and all the best for 2016! I will be back soon with new recipes and beauty posts, but until then have a lovely festive break!

Lots of love

Emmaline x

RECIPE: Baked Figs with Ice Cream

I so so love a simple dessert, you know the type, easy and quick but at the same time super comforting. To me, a 'comforting' dessert consists of two things - hot and cold! I love a good hot and cold combination, like hot apple pie and ice cream or sticky toffee pudding with ice cream - oh its so damn good!
This is my take on a hot and cold dessert but a super easy one! Baked figs are super tasty, they caramelise in the oven and then go even sweeter!


To make this super simple recipe, simply...

  • Pre-heat the oven to around 200 degrees
  • Score the tops of the figs with a cross and then push them down at the top so the insides pop out a little
  • Drizzle with some kind of sweetener such as honey, maple syrup, date syrup or golden syrup if you're feeling naughty!
  • Bake the figs in the oven for around 30 minutes or until they are oozing with juice and starting to caramelise on the top
  • Bring them out of the oven and serve with ice cream - I have been loving the Swedish Glace one at the moment as it's vegan friendly and is super yum!
  • Sprinkle over the top some cacao nibs and frozen berries, you could also add some toasted pecans too which is also super tasty!

When I'm feeling super lazy, I make this and just omit the figs but have warm, toasted pecans instead with ice cream, frozen or fresh berries and some cacao nibs - yum yum yum!! Toasted flaked almonds work well too, and the one on the bottom is a variation I did for my hubby as a quick dessert! Digestive biscuits on the bottom, then hazelnut spread, ice cream and frozen berries! Tasty!!


EATING OUT: Mowgli Manchester

So among all the stress and carnage of moving clinics, I managed still to squeeze a 'date night' in with my other half. We decided to check out the new Mowgli in the old Triangle in Manchester City Centre. Such a cool place for a date night and the food wasn't half bad either! In case you're not aware, Mowgli is an Indian Street Food restaurant which is very trendy right now.

Here are some of the pictures from dinner, we ordered A LOT of food! Some was really good, some was ok but overall I was pretty impressed and would definitely go back for sure!

Bhel Puri - Bombay’s best loved street food. Puff rice with crisp gram threads, peanuts & tantalising spiced sweet & sour dressing. 

Calcutta Kati Wrap - Calcutta’s favourite street food. Fragrant masala frittata with coriander herbed cheese in a soft wholemeal roti wrap

Fenugreek Kissed Fries - Potato with turmeric, fenugreek & the Mowgli masala. 

Mowgli Paneer - Staff favourite. Tender cubes of soft paneer cheese simmered with velvet, sweet, spiced tomatoes, garden peas & fresh spinach

Mowgli Slaw - House red cabbage coleslaw with a popped mustard seed dressing, Mowgli Paneer, Fenugreek Kissed Fries 

Tamarind Chat Bombs - Tangy tamarind mint water bombs & the hard core of Indian Street Food.

Mowgli Sticky Wings - Gram flour crisped wings doused in a Manchurian slick spiced molasses, dark rum, cumin, garam masala, popped mustard seed & sesame.

These wings were super tasty! 

Why not go check it out, there are so many new restaurants in town at the moment, I can't contain my excitement ha ha!

Thanks for reading

Emmaline x


BEAUTY: My New Skin Clinic!

Firstly, I need to apologies for my disappearance! It's been an extremely busy couple of months relocating my skin clinic. All I can say now is that it's finally complete! I've been working in the new premises for a month and I am so happy here! Everybody who knows me, knows how much of a creature of habit I am and it has definitely been a challenge moving. I didn't know where anything was, I was so stressed I wasn't sleeping and mixed with being fully booked in the clinic it was rather hard! So, I really want to say a MASSIVE thank you to all my clients for your patience and support. I really couldn't have done it without you all.

I am here though now, set up and ready to go for Christmas! So, if you need to book in then please let me know as soon as possible so I can get your appointment in. Email me at or visit to make a booking and lets get your skin ready and radiant for the cold Winter months to come.

I have just launched a new product in my clinic called Skinade. A multivitamin supplement with omegas 3 and 6 and hydrolysed marine collagen which produces some fantastic results. I've done my own 30 day trial on a client and the results are mind blowing! Sometimes it can be a bit difficult to always believe 'before and after' pics and this is why I did my own to see the results for myself, but I'm sure you can agree they are amazing!

These pictures are taken 30 days apart. My client has had a Nimue Rejuvenation treatment at the beginning of the 30 days and also one at the end of the 30 days. She uses all of the Emmaline Tsui Skincare Range and has also taken a 30 day supply of the Skinade (daily)

You can easily see how the eye area is so much firmer and also the lines at the sides of the mouth are softer. You can purchase this amazing product now through my website for only £3 per day!

I've also got an amazing detox plan that I have just launched - this is a FANTASTIC gift for Christmas from or for a loved one. it's an amazing way to start the year - The 60 day Skin, Health and Body Detox Plan!

The plan includes...







ALL FOR £585



This is seriously not something to be missed! If you wish to book in for your 60 day detox or wish to purchase it for somebody else, please do not hesitate to contact me via email at

And finally, what you've all been waiting for... My beautiful new clinic!

Thanks so much for reading!

Emmaline x


RECIPE: Quick Snack Mini Bruschettas

Firstly, let me apologies for my lack of blog posts the last few weeks. I have finally moved into my new clinic in Hale and I have been so busy I've just not had a chance to post - so I'm very sorry!

You all know how much I love my food - especially my lunches! Sometimes though I am so busy and in such a rush I don't always have time to make a 'proper' lunch - even though my salads and courgetti lunches only take 10 minutes, this is for when I only have five!

I do adore any kind of bruschetta, and you can make this with whatever veg that you have in the fridge. You can also make it on any kind of bread or cracker that you like. My ultimate fav bread is sourdough - Hands down! However, you can make these with whatever you wish.

Courgettes are super yummy and to make these all I do is slice them on an angle, then fry in some garlic oil for a few minutes until golden. I then top a spelt cracker or piece of toast with them. You can drizzle some balsamic glaze over or just a little salt and pepper - simples!

For the tomatoes above I have just sliced them in half and mixed them with a bit of garlic oil, salt and black pepper and some balsamic vinegar.

Then, for the avocado and peppers I sliced an avocado up and pressed it on to the bread with the back of a fork. I then tore some piquante peppers from a jar and placed them on top. Finally, I had some pre-grilled peppers in a pot from M and S so just added these on top. Drizzled with balsamic glaze and sprinkled with crispy onions! Yummy!!

They are so super simple and really really quick. If you don't have a kitchen to work in, you can always make the toppings in the morning and stack it all together at work on some crackers.
This is so speedy I really hope you try them. You can add any vegetables that you like!

Happy cooking

Emmaline x

EATING OUT: Stockyard Hale

Sometimes in life only a burger will do! Tonight was one of those nights. It's Sunday and well, on a Sunday I always feel the need to have a certain kind of food - if you know what I mean! That type of food you generally just eat with your hands and then apply to face! ha ha! This certainly hit the spot! BIG TIME!

I have eaten here quite a few times in the past and seem to get stuck on their 'Big Fat Platter' to share. We usually find ourselves ordering it feeling positive that we could fit something else in after - main course perhaps or even dare I say dessert, but alas no! We are ALWAYS defeated! This time however, I was determined to have two courses... And I did! *Proud face*

Here are a couple of pics from tonight's dinner. We had 'Loaded Nachos' to start and then 2 burgers. One 'Johnny Cash' burger for hubby and a 'Half way to vegan' for me. Oh and by the way, their sweet potato chips are to DIE for! Seriously filled a major hole in my tummy!




I really recommend this place, it has such a chilled out vibe and the food is tasty with meals that I would say are not for the faint hearted! The staff are nice and friendly and the decor is super cool! Why not check it out next time you're in Hale 

Hope you all had a great weekend

Emmaline x

RECIPE: Courgetti


I'm guessing you have seen that for quite some time now, a lot of my instagram posts have been pictures of courgetti. I decided to do a post on it to show you how to make it as a simple, quick and easy lunch.

I have bought a couple of spiralizers in the past, but my favorite by far has to be the Hemsley and Hemsley one. I bought mine from Selfridges, but you can buy them off Amazon for quite a good price.

The great thing about courgetti (or rainbow spagetti) is you can eat it cooked or raw. I like it both ways to be honest. Obviously, its a lot quicker to prepare raw, but if you wish to have it cooked, then just heat a little oil in the fry pan and fry the courgetti for a few minutes until it's warmed through. Then just stir through a pesto sauce or add to the pan a pasta sauce. My favorite way is to have it raw with a gluten-free and dairy free pesto stirred through and then added to a bed of rocket. You can then serve it with whatever you fancy, meatballs, fish, veggies. It's entirely up to you!

Why not make a salad with some nice veggies and courgetti

The awesome Hemsley Hemsley spiralizer

Why not just stir some pesto straight into the raw courgetti for a quick, easy lunch

I love to make my own pesto at home, but when I don't have time this is my 'go-to' pesto from the supermarket. Pesto usually contains parmesan cheese, but as I'm dairy free at the moment I'm avoiding cheese altogether. This is a great alternative and you don't miss the cheese in it either

Happy spiralizing guys! :)

Emmaline x


EATING OUT: Day Out in London!

So I was in London yesterday for work - I guess you could call it an educational trip!

I decided to travel down the day before and go for a little explore around, because well... why not? :)

I only visited a couple of restaurants, but wow they were lovely ones! I thought I would do a little post on where I went as I know you all like to be kept in the loop ha ha!

We went for lunch at a really cool place called Coya. I believe that it's the same people that own Zuma and Roka but it was a Peruvian restaurant not the usual Japanese style that they do.

Coya Restaurant Bar & Grill in Mayfair

We had such a fantastic meal! I tried to take some pics of the food. I know I always say this... but I was seriously hungry! ha ha! It was so yummy, here are some foodie pics of what we ate...

Crocantes con guacamole
Corn tortillas and Shrimp Crackers with home made guacamole 

Patatas Bravas a la Peruana
Crispy potatoes, spicy tomatoes, huancaina sauce

Ensalada Peruana
Gem lettuce, Peruvian beans, purple potatoes, radish

Pollo Tacos
Chicken, red peppers and sweet corn

Then in the evening we went for another nice meal at a place called Babaji in Soho. This was a Turkish restaurant that we have been wanting to check out for a while. Check out the pictures...

So, above we had...
Fried calamari, roasted eggplant, artichoke with beetroot and olive oil, homemade humus with fresh bread (ALOT OF BREAD!), chargrilled red peppers, samphire with garlic, red pepper and sunblush tomato and my friends also tried the 'Pide'. Pide is a Turkish style pizza and they had a chargrilled courgette and also a lamb one. I had a teeny tiny corner of the courgette one but as it contained cheese I tried to avoid it. What I did eat though was rather yummy!

Linden, ginger and honey tea

Turkish Coffee - Seriously strong coffee!!

We had such a great evening and the food was really good. I highly recommend trying it next time you're in London. 

Thanks for reading! I will keep you posted on all my foodie adventures :)

Emmaline x


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