LITTLE GEMS: Breakfast, Brunch & Birthdays!

Hello! How are you? Good week? Sorry, I seem to always ask that ha ha! Hope it was a good one anyway. 

Here's some of my foodie adventures I went on this week...

I met one of my lovely friends for a brunch date at The Garden in Hale. I went for the Plant Power Breakfast which was amazing! This was basically my lunch on Tuesday and it lasted me all day! It has tofu scramble instead of eggs and it was actually rather yummy. I have always been a bit dubious about this 'tofu scramble' I hear about everywhere, but I would definitely have it again! My friend had my fav, the Harissa Hash with avocado and eggs. Yuuuummy!!

Wednesday night I made a delicious meal! I literally made it up as I went along, but it tasted so so good. I did a brown rice bowl with teriyaki aubergine and pak choy - plus my fav sauerkraut from Loving Foods. I've mentioned this before, it's all organic and also locally made too - win win!

Friday night we did something a little different. We went for a Supper Club at North Star Deli in Chorlton. It was a 7 course tasting menu and was actually really nice. I love trying new foods and new places so this was a nice change. Check it out...

Sourdough bread with a dipping oil and dukkah - I loved the dukkah blend. It was crunchy and so full of flavour! 

This was filled with goats cheese and dates. Sounds random and I've never had anything like it before but it was actually really nice.

I was so gutted about this. It was a rose and lime frozen yoghurt. I literally had about half a teaspoon but I know I just can't have dairy. It tasted amazing though, I'm going to try and recreate something similar with coconut cream or coconut yoghurt at home so I can taste it again ha ha! I think when you stop eating dairy, you really notice it when you start eating it again - even the weird slimy feeling you get in your mouth afterwards. Yes, you might think I'm crazy, but anybody who doesn't eat dairy will know what I mean!

I seriously don't eat pears enough! These were super tasty too, adding these to my shopping list next week!

So, I had a bite of this. I was so stuffed by this point though I couldn't eat it all. Hubs did a good job of polishing it off though ha ha!

Saturday we went for Dim Sum at Glamorous in Manchester. I will do a full post on what I ate though soon so you can see the full meal. Let's just say this is full on Chinese comfort food for me. The table's a disgrace and that's exactly how it's meant to be too! :)

Saturday night I made this delicious Spelt Salad. I took it up a gear though and added some fine beans, wild mushrooms, butternut squash and leeks. Plus a good drizzle of truffle oil too just to finish it off. I made a big batch so I had plenty for the next day too!

Today's breakfast was goood! I knew I didn't get a lunch break so I needed something to last me through the day. Poached egg and spinach on toast and avocado on toast with even more sauerkraut! I ate the lot and I was so stuffed I didn't eat until 7pm!

Now and again I'm allowed one! Coffee sends me crazy - like loop da loop crazy, but today I needed one. Yes it sent me a little mad, but definitely woke me up ha ha :)

Had a super tasty meal at The Railway Cafe in Alderley Edge. We went for a Birthday dinner for my cousin's birthday and had sooo much food! They have a new menu since the last time I went and it was really nice. Lot's of different flavours and I had such a lovely time! Happy Birthday Sessy! :)

Can't not have a little dessert right...? ;)

So, this is something I'm super proud of. My Viceroy & Grace Botanical Face Oil was shortlisted for an award! This means so much to me as each product is tried and tested. It's also open internationally too so it was up against some big brands. As cheesy as it sounds, I feel like I've already won just being shortlisted! Super chuffed with this. If you want to know more about my face oil, visit 

I wanted to leave this on a high. I saw the most incredible sunset tonight and tried to take a picture but it just looks a little.... well whack! ha ha! If you were on the M60 tonight though you might have seen it too. Just stunning! #Grateful

Well, that's pretty much it for this week. Not a massive amount to report I guess but I hope you enjoyed reading in any case!

Thanks so much for visiting!

Big Love,

Em x

REVIEW: Ceremonial Matcha Green Tea Powder by The Tea Makers London

So firstly, I thought I would start doing some reviews on products that I am trying at the moment. I guess they will be mostly food related, but just incase you're interested in trying something new, why not have a lookie here first!

I know I am one of those people who go through phases. You know, when I get obsessed with something and have it everyday... yeh, I'm in one of those right now. I'm not really a big coffee drinker. To be honest, it sends me bloody loopy and any client/friend that has been out with me whilst 'on' the stuff will completely understand - you know who you are!
The other thing is, I'm not a massive fan of the taste of coffee, I like a bit of a caffeine fix now and again though and I like the idea of a latte, just you know... without the erm... coffee!

So, here is my new thing! I thought I would try a matcha latte. I have been really enjoying them from The Garden Cafe, but I do like to make my own thing as well if I don't get time to nip down the road... so I bought some matcha!

Please be aware this stuff does not come cheap! I would highly recommend going somewhere that sells matcha green tea or matcha lattes first and try one incase you don't like it. I however do! I scanned quite a few different teas online and found this one from The Tea Makers London. The reason I was drawn to it was because it had a 'Great Taste Award' so I thought I would give it a try - plus the packaging is adorable (what can I say, I'm a sucker for that!)

Now, I'm not a green tea connoisseur, but to me, this tea is lovely. It's not too bitter and as you only need a small amount it lasts for ages. I purchased this one online and it cost me around £17 with postage from amazon, but you can also buy it from their website here.

It's also good to know that matcha green tea is almost looked upon as a super food nowadays because of the amount of antioxidants in it. 

To make a matcha latte here is what you do...

  • In a small cup, add half a teaspoon of matcha powder and add a tiny bit of hot water (not just boiled as the tea will burn) and give it a good mix so the powder turns into a runny paste.
  • Then heat up some nut mylk in a pan (or the microwave if you prefer)
  • In your blender (vitamix/nutribullet type blender) add the warm mylk and matcha paste. Then add a squeeze of honey or natural sweetener of your choice
  • Blend it together so it all foams up. Be careful when you take off the lid as sometimes it explodes a bit! I usually put a tea towel over the lid as I open it.
  • Pour into your cup and enjoy!

Why not give it a try, I found that this one seemed to be the best quality without having a staggering price tag as well. Let me know what you think. What's your fav green tea brand?

Thanks so much for reading,

Big love,

Em x

MEATLESS MONDAY: Warm Winter Spelt Salad

So this is something pretty new for me. Yes, it might be one of the oldest grains in the world, but I have never really eaten it until the other week (at Hawksmoor for my Dad's birthday - read about my meal here). After that meal, I realised how much I love spelt... So I started doing a bit of research and found out it's pretty damn good for you!

According to

"Some of the health benefits of spelt include its ability to help in regulating the body’s metabolism, aid in the creation of sex hormones, increase circulation, build strong bones, improve the immune system, boosting digestive function, lowering blood sugar, and reducing cholesterol levels in the body."

So, it's some pretty good stuff! I decided to brave it and try cooking some. I literally did it on 'a wing and a prayer' ha ha and made it up as I went along, however, it turned out pretty damn good. So, although I didn't write the recipe down (as you never do when you're having a play!), I'm going to try and remember what I did and give you a very tasty recipe to try for a Meatless Monday!

Ingredients: (serves 2)

  • 1 cup of spelt berries (washed, drained and soaked if you wish)
  • 1/2 vegetable stock cube
  • 2 carrots (diced into small crouton sized cubes)
  • 6 new potatoes (diced into small crouton sized cubes)
  • 2 white onions (sliced into quarters with the root still intact)
  • large handful of spinach (washed and drained)
  • handful of kale (washed and with the hard stems removed)
  • half an avocado
  • teriyaki sauce
  • honey
  • garlic oil
  • chilli oil
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • salt and pepper
  • Firstly add the chopped carrots, potatoes and onions to a baking tray and drizzle with a little garlic oil. Put these in a hot oven for around 45 mins to roast and crisp up.
  • Whilst the vegetables are cooking, make the spelt. In a medium saucepan, half fill it with boiling water and add the stock cube and a few shakes of teriyaki sauce and some freshly ground pepper. Once this comes to the boil, add the spelt and allow to cook according to packet instructions - For me, this was bringing to the boil and simmering for around 45-60 minutes. You want it cooked through but still quite chewy in texture.
  • Towards the end of the cooking time (when there is around 15 mins left), add the kale to the oven just to crisp up. Keep an eye on this as it can burn easily. You want it crispy but not burnt!
  • Quickly make the dressing in a small bowl. Add around 2-3 tbsp of garlic oil, some chilli oil (to your taste - or leave it out!), a good squeeze of lemon, a few shakes of teriyaki sauce, salt and pepper and a squeeze of honey. Give it all a good stir and have a taste. What do you think? need more lemon? honey? Just adjust it accordingly.
  • Once everything is cooked, drain the spelt and add to a large mixing bowl. Stir through the spinach whilst the spelt it still hot to allow it to wilt slightly.
  • Add the dressing, roasted vegetables and kale and give it all a good stir together.
  • To serve, in a bowl add the salad and then add some sliced avocado on top, a sprinkle of crispy sea salt flakes, good grinding of pepper and a very small drizzle of honey.
  • Grab a fork and dig in! Yummy!
Really hope you enjoy this recipe as much as me, I think spelt might be my 'new thing'.

Thanks so much for reading,

Big love,

Em x

LITTLE GEMS: Sigiriya Hale, Grub Street Food, Wreckfish Pop Up, The Con Club & Learning to cook spelt!

Wow! I am exhausted! I feel like I've literally been eating all weekend! Not complaining though, it's been amazing! This week I've tried so many new places and new things. So, because this is such a long post full of pictures, I'm going to let them do most of the talking. So sit back, relax and enjoy some pictures from my foodie adventures this week. I hope you're not too hungry because there's a LOT of food here!!

Yummy Breakfast! Poached Egg & Wilted Spinach on Granary

First smoothie bowl of the year! I was so excited to have this, it means warmer temperatures are on their way and I can't wait. This tasted of Summer! Amazing!

One of my old-school 'Love Bowls'. Not had this in ages either. Put it all in a big bowl...

and mix it all up! :)

Valentines meal for me and hubs! I went for a simple Chinese dinner. King prawns with garlic, chilli and asparagus and salmon with chopped vegetables. Really speedy to cook and tastes delicious!

My dessert for Valentines! Homemade dairy-free chocolate pudding. It tastes like heaven and is 'technically' good for you. Made with coconut oil, vegan chocolate, gluten-free flour and coconut sugar! Please don't judge the presentation ha ha! Yes it looks ridiculous but it tasted great ha ha!

When you want Victor's but can't get out to eat it... bring Victor's to you! The best sushi takeaway!

Trying out a new protein powder this week. Getting back onto my smoothies again!

Delicious lunch at The Greenhouse on Friday. The BEST salads ever! 

I braved it! I made a spelt salad for the first time and it was delicious! Will post the recipe tomorrow. I've never cooked spelt before and so was a bit apprehensive. It turned out perfectly!

The best Valentines present from my hubster! Tickets to see Jack Whitehall at the Manchester Arena. He was absolutely hilarious as well! If you ever get a chance to see him... GO!

Eggs breakfast on Saturday. Omelette and spinach for me and omelette wrap for hubs :)

We ventured out to Grub in Manchester on Saturday for lunch. This place is so cool. It was in a brewery and was filled with street food places to eat. Oh Mei Dumpling was there too and I've been dying to eat their dumplings for ages. Was so chuffed to try them! They were soooo good that I've placed an order for some!


Veggie on the left and beef on the right :)

New York style fries from Eat New York. Seriously good fries!

Trying out a new matcha green tea powder this week. Will be doing a review on it soon.

So we were lucky enough to go to the opening of Sigiriya in Hale. Popped some pictures below for you to see...

So there was a set menu for the opening night. The place was jam packed which was great to see for a new business. Will be doing a full 'Eating Out' post here soon when we've had a full meal here! Had a lovely evening though :)

Then... the best part of my weekend... We got to visit a new restaurant in Liverpool called Wreckfish. The restaurant hasn't even opened yet, in fact they haven't even started doing a refurb yet so this was a super cool 'pop-up' restaurant which sold out their tickets on the same day! For those who don't know, Wreckfish is part of the same brand as my fav restaurant in Didsbury Hispi, plus Sticky Walnut and Burnt Truffle in Chester. It will be another fine dining restaurant and I swear this guy's food is INCREDIBLE! 

This was literally the kitchen set up! A glorified camping stove ha ha! I felt so lucky to have the opportunity to eat here before it even opened! Proper chufties ha ha!

Super long table that was filled with hungry, eager foodies!

I ate so much of this bread! Then they came back and refilled it! It was soooo good!!

First course, cauliflower soup - smooth and delicious. Even hubs was a fan and he hates the stuff ha ha

The equivalent of a grill - Gary Usher Styleee! They went blow torch crazy!

My veggie option - Charred Hispi Cabbage with truffle and hollandaise sauce

I can't tell you how good this food was. The chefs were cooking on a simple little gas stove at the front for us all to see. The standard of the food though was remarkable. Who would have thought a chargrilled cabbage could be that tasty?!?! Seriously impressed! Can't wait to go when it finally opens! 

Then, when I didn't think I could eat anymore... we hit up The Con Club for dinner. We wanted something that wasn't too heavy so we decided to share a few bits. Might look a bit random but it really hit the spot!

Goats cheese aranchini balls, butternut squash cous cous salad with tahini dressing, parmesan and truffle chips and some tenderstem broccoli. Perfect!

I hope this post wasn't too long! What can I say, there's been a lot of food this week! I hope you've all had a lovely week and a nice relaxing half term with kiddies.

Thanks so much for reading,

Big love,

Em x

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