Naughty and Nice Nachos

It was Sunday, I needed a naughty food fix... I want nachos I shouted out! Then I thought about it, I didn't want that sloppy guacamole or chemically tasting salsa. So, I decided to make my own :)
I made my own guacamole and salsa so quick too, took less than 10 minutes! No, its not as quick as spooning it out of a jar, but tastes so so much fresher, crisper and I guess is 'technically healthy' - bar the cheese, nachos and sour cream ha ha!


Ingredients (serves 2)

  • One bag of lightly salted nachos
  • 2 or 3 handfuls of grated mozzarella
  • 1 avocado
  • small handful of coriander
  • squeeze of lime juice
  • 1 tbsp. garlic oil
  • 1 tbsp chilli oil
  • 12 or so cherry tomatoes quartered
  • around 8-10 fresh basil leaves
  • 2 baby or 1/2 a large sweet red pepper chopped small
  • pinch of dried mixed herbs
  • pinch of sugar
  • pot of soured cream
  • salt and black pepper to taste

  1. Mash together in a medium sized bowl the avocado, lime juice, coriander, garlic oil and salt.
  2. Finish with a sprinkle of fresh coriander
Tomato and Pepper Salsa
  1. Mixed together in a medium sized bowl the tomatoes, peppers, chilli infused oil, salt, pepper, sugar, mixed herbs and basil
  2. Refrigerate until needed and then serve with the nachos
  1. Put the nachos on a baking tray and sprinkle over the cheese
  2. Put under a hot grill until the cheese melts and changes to a golden brown
  3. Serve with the salsa, guacamole and sour cream - sooo tasty!!


Super Quick Coconut Chicken Fried Rice

So, the other day I had some cooked chicken left over and couldn't think of what to do with it, then I got a craving - chicken fried rice :) quick, tasty and rather filling! Nom nom nom xx



  • Cooked thinly sliced pieces of chicken (or can be raw if you don't have any cooked - just make sure it cut up small)
  • 1/4 cup frozen peas
  • Cooked boiled rice (I used around 2 cups cooked - 1 cup dried)
  • 1 egg beaten
  • 1 tbsp teriyaki sauce
  • 1/2 tbsp oyster sauce
  • 1 1/2 tsp coconut oil (or garlic oil if you don't like the coconut flavour)
  • 1/4 tsp sesame seeds
  • small bunch of coriander (optional)
  1. Warm the oil in the pan and add the chicken. Fry around for a few minutes and then add the teriyaki sauce.
  2. Add the peas and fry for another minute or so then add the rice.
  3. After a few minutes add the oyster sauce and stir for a couple more minutes
  4. Slowly add the beaten egg in drips, allowing it to set then stir into the rice.
  5. Once all the egg has been absorbed, spread the rice flat into the pan and press down lightly with the back of a spatula - this helps crisp it up
  6. Serve with a sprinkle of sesame seeds and some chopped coriander if you wish

Seared Tuna with Greens and Vermicelli

Ok, so last night was a late one! I came home from work at 9:45pm and was determined to eat something relatively healthy. So, here it is, fast, fresh and simple! (sorry - stole that from Donna Hay!)
I put the oven on very low (about 75 degrees) and put my plate in the oven so I could just use one pan (obv. less washing up right!) and then just kept adding to my plate in the oven so it all stayed warm!

Seared Tuna with Greens and Vermicelli

  • 1/2 tbsp. Garlic Oil
  • Bag of fresh, chopped greens
  • 1 tsp. teryaki sauce
  • Singapore Vermicelli pre made from the supermarket (not my favorite thing to use but it was late and I was tired!)
  • 1 tsp. coconut oil
  • Tuna Steak

  • Fry the Greens in the garlic oil with a splash of boiling water and the teryaki - after a few mins put on the plate in the oven
  • In the same pan fry the noodles until warmed through and put on the plate in the oven
  • Rinse the pan out and add the coconut oil, when melted and the pan is hot, add the tuna steak searing a few minutes each side (or however you like yours cooking)
  • Remove from the pan, slice and place on top of the greens and noodles!
  • Simple food all cooked in under 15minutes!

Norwegian Cinnamon Buns

Ok, so I know its Easter and all and everybody likes hot cross buns right?? Wrong! People that know me know how much I hate dried fruit and so I guess this is my little Easter nod he he!
This has got to be a favorite recipe in my home and although it is really not a healthy option, it doesn't half taste good! I can take no credit for this one, it is completely stolen from the Nigella Lawson 'How to be a Domestic Goddess' book, my all time favorite foodie!

Norweigian Cinnamon Buns

For the dough:
  • 600 g flour (I added some extra flour as the dough was too sticky)
  • 100 g sugar
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 21 g (3 sachets-yes, really) easy blend yeast or 45 g fresh yeast
  • 100 g butter
  • 400 ml milk
  • 2 eggs
For the filling:
  • 150 g soft, unsalted butter
  • 150 g sugar
  • 1 ½ teaspoons cinnamon
  • 1 egg, beaten, to glaze
  • Roasting tin approximately 33cm x 24cm or large brownie tin, lined with baking parchment bottom and sides
Preheat the oven to 230°C/ gas mark 8 (I wouldn't do this until the end of Step 3)

Step 1 - Combine the flour, sugar, salt, and yeast in a large bowl. Melt the butter and whisk it into milk and eggs, then stir it into the flour mixture. Mix to combine and then knead the dough either by hand or using the dough hook of a food mixer until its smooth and springy-add extra flour until the dough becomes a good rolling consistency. Form into a ball, place in an oiled bowl, cover with clingfilm and leave it to rise for about 25 minutes.

Step 2 - Take one-third of the dough and roll it or stretch it to fit your tin; this will form the bottom of each bun when it has cooked. Roll out the rest of the dough on a lightly floured surface, aiming to get a rectangle of roughly 50x25cm. Mix the filling ingredients in a small bowl and then spread the rectangle with the buttery cinnamon texture (you can made this mixture up during the 25 minutes of proving the dough in Step 1). Try to get even coverage on the whole of the dough.

Step 3 - Roll it up from the longest side until you have a giant sausage. Cut the roll into 2 cm slices which should make about 20 rounds. Sit the rounds in lines on top of the dough in the tin, swirly cut-side up. Don’t worry if they don’t fit snugly together as they will swell and become puffy when they prove. Brush them with egg and let them rise again for about 15 minutes to let them get duly puffy.

Step 4 - Put in the hot oven and cook for 20-25 minutes (a couple of mine were a bit black at the top by 20 mins so watch out for them), by which time the buns will have risen and will be golden brown in colour. Don’t worry it they catch in places. Remove them from the tin and leave to cool slightly on a rack-it’s easy just to pick up the whole sheet of parchment and transfer them like that-before letting people tear them off, to eat warm.

Lime and Coconut Salmon with Kale and Broccoli Salad

So, I made this last night as a last minute thing. The lime and coconut is a great combination with the fish and is something I've never tried before.

Lime and Coconut Salmon with Kale and Broccoli Salad

For the marinade...

2 'squirts' of lime juice
1/2 tbsp teriyaki sauce

Kale salad.

1/2 tbsp coconut oil
2 handfuls of kale
1 head of broccoli
1 red chilli (de-seeded if you don't want it too hot) sliced thinly
1 clove garlic sliced thinly
1/4 tsp sugar
salt and pepper


  • Marinade the fish for half and hour to an hour in the teriyaki and lime juice
  • In a fry pan, warm the coconut oil and add the garlic and chilli
  • Fry the broccoli for a couple of minutes until charred and then add the kale
  • Fry for a few more minutes, then add the sugar, salt and pepper and a splash of water (stand back and be careful as this will spit)
  • Continue to fry until all the water has disappeared and set aside in a bowl
  • Add some more coconut oil to the pan and once hot add the salmon to the pan
  • Cook the salmon to your liking - I like mine slightly underdone so around 3 minutes on one side and 4 on the other and then serve with the warm salad 


My Super Love Bowl

My Super Love Bowl

So... I really wanted a change for my brekkie. Now and again I like to switch things up and this is so so good! Even made one for hubby!!
Its packed full of ingredients that will keep those hunger pangs at bay...
Chia seeds, oats, cacao nibs, berries, coconut and yoghurt with a squeeze of honey/agarve or whichever sweetener 'tickles your fancy' - tastes like a frozen desert for breakfast :)
Here's my very basic recipe...

Ingredients (this depends on how much you personally want, but this is what I like)

½ tbsp. yoghurt
2 tbsp. porridge oats
3 tbsp frozen berries (I like blueberries and raspberries)
1 tbsp coconut flakes
½ tbsp chia seeds
1 tbsp cacao nibs
½ tbsp sweetener e.g. agarve/honey/maple syrup


Mix everything together really well and enjoy - oh so divine J

Oh... and I call it the love bowl cos its pink, beautiful and I love it he he 

Emmaline xxx

OMG! Healthy Crumble!!

Crumble is one of my most fav things in the whole world! Apple crumble at that! I have finally found a recipe that is pretty healthy - when I say 'healthy' by the way I mean low fat and low sugar content.
Hope you all enjoy it as much as me! - oooh! and by the way, if you have any crumble leftover (everybody has a different size dish right?) put it in the freezer and then you always have crumble on hand whenever you fancy a quick treat! AMAZING HEY!!?!?

Fruit Crumble

Crumble Topping:
  • 1 1/2 cups of oats
  • 1 cup of almonds
  • 1/4 of a cup of organic maple syrup
  • 3 heaped tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 2 teaspoons of cinnamon
Fruit Filling
  • 6 red apples (or whatever fruit you like)
  • squeeze of maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • juice of half a lemon
  1. Preheat the oven to 175.C
  2. Slice the apples thinly and add to a large bowl
  3. Add to the bowl the lemon juice, cinnamon and syrup
  4. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly together
  5. Arrange into a greased, oven proof dish or some small ramekins
  6. Cover with foil and put in the oven to allow the fruits to soften for 15 minutes or so whilst you get on with the topping
  7. Add the almonds to a food processor and blitz until a flour forms, then add to a bowl with the oats.
  8. Warm the syrup, coconut oil and cinnamon together in a pan until everything comes together and then pour over the crumble topping and mix together until everything is combined.
  9. Bring the fruit out of the oven and pour over the crumble mixture
  10. Put back onto the oven until the crumble is nicely browned - this may take around 15 to 20 minutes. Be careful that it doesn't burn, it can 'catch' quite easily

Butternut Squash and Lamb Tagine with Tasty Cous Cous

This is so tasty! I made it quite quickly one evening when i came home from work and what wasn't eaten (dare I say not much!) I have put in the freezer to be eaten another time. Then all I need to do is make up some of my tasty cous cous and reheat the tagine - Bam! dinner within 20mins :)

Butternut squash and Lamb Tagine

1 large butternut squash, peeled and diced
1 large aubergine sliced in half lengthways
400g diced lamb
1 large onion finely chopped
4 cloves garlic, crushed
1 tbsp fresh ginger, finely chopped
1 tbsp apricot jam or 60g dried apricots, chopped
1 tsp smoked paprika
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground coriander
1 500g carton tomato passata
1 400g tin chickpeas, drained
300ml vegetable stock

1.       Drizzle the sliced aubergine with a teaspoon of chilli oil.
2.       Place the squash in a bowl, drizzle with some oil then season with salt and pepper. Scatter onto a baking tray then roast with the aubergine in a preheated oven set at 180C / gas mark 4 for 30 minutes.
3.       Meanwhile in a heavy based pan, fry the onion, garlic and ginger for around 7-8 minutes until softened, add the spices and cook for a further 1-2 minutes. Pour in the pasatta, stock and apricots and chickpeas. Scoop out the aubergine and add to the pan. Add the butternut squash and stir to combine then simmer for 30 minutes. Check for seasoning.

4.       Serve with my tasty cous cous

Tasty Cous Cous

1 cup whole-wheat cous cous
1 ½ cups chicken or vegetable stock
1 small can of chickpeas
Juice of ½ lemon
                1 tbsp garlic infused olive oil
                Small bunch of chopped parsley or coriander

1.       In a large bowl, add the cous cous, chick peas and hot stock. Gently stir with a fork and then cover bowl with cling film or a plate.
2.       After all the water has been absorbed, fork the cous cous through and add the lemon juice, olive oil, herbs and salt.
3.       For through again and serve with Harissa chicken or my tagine

Coconut Kale Chips

One of my fav snacks, great just to bung into the oven if it has been on or put them under the grill. These lovely little snacks only take minutes to make and even less to munch on he he!

Coconut Kale Chips

½ Bag of chopped kale washed and dried
1 tbsp. melted coconut oil or flavour infused olive oil (if you don’t like the coconut flavour)
1 tsp. sesame seeds
Salt and pepper to taste

Method –
1.       Preheat the grill to a medium to high heat
2.       In a large bowl mix all the ingredients together
3.       Place on a lined baking tray and grill for 3 minutes, after 3 minutes turn the kale over and grill again for another 3 minutes or until crispy.


Tuna with black olive tapenade

I made this one night at about 9pm after work and it took literally minutes to make! Tasted great too! Always the way, the best recipes come without proper planning :)
Tuna with black olive tapenade
            1 tuna steak
            ½ cup pitted black olives
            ½ garlic glove
1tsp extra virgin olive oil
            ¼ tsp.Fresh or dried oregano
Salt and pepper
Squeeze of lemon juice
1.       Preheat the grill to high
2.       In a food chopper, add the olives, herbs, garlic and seasoning and blitz  until finely chopped but not to a paste
3.       Stir in lemon juice and olive oil
4.       Grill the tuna to your liking – for me its ‘under-done’. 2 minutes on one side then 3 minutes on the other but you cook it to what you are comfortable with and how thick the fish is
5.       Serve with some steamed tenderstem broccoli or asparagus drizzled with garlic infused olive oil (and if you're feeling like you need a bit 'extra', a bit of spaghetti like I did here)


Asian Inspired Salad

This is a great salad to serve with a barbeque or some grilled fish or meat. Really fresh and crunchy - drizzle with a bit of Balsamic glaze if you want a little extra punch 

Vietnamese Style Salad

Chinese Leaves shredded
2 handfuls of beansprouts
2 carrots chopped into fine batons
2 spring onions chopped in half and then thinly sliced lengthways
½ Pomegranate
Chopped bunch of mint
Chopped bunch of coriander
1tsp. sesame seeds
Juice of ½ a lime
1 tsp light soy sauce
1 tbsp sweet chilli sauce
1 tsp sugar
Few drops of toasted sesame seed oil

1.       Add the leaves, beansprouts, carrot and spring onion to a large bowl and mix together.
2.       Smack the seeds out of the pomegranate and add to the salad mix
3.       Add the mint and coriander
4.       In a small bowl, mix the lime juice, sesame seed oil, soy sauce, sweet chilli, sugar and salt and pour over the salad.
5.       Toss the salad together and serve with a sprinkle of sesame seeds


Emmaline’s Skin Glow Green Breakfast Smoothie

As you can see by how many times I have posted pics of this recipe, I make it a lot! I must have this smoothie at least 3 or 4 times a week and I have really noticed how much clearer my skin has got since I have been drinking it. I really recommend a Vitamix blender as it is really the best blender out there in my opinion, but if you don't have one, just make sure you really give it a good blitz so its nice and smooth.

Emmaline’s Skin Glow Green Breakfast Smoothie

                ¼ cup whole rolled oats
1 cup spinach
1 cup kale
1 tsp. Proto-col Green Magic
1 tsp. Manuka Honey
1 tsp. coconut oil
1 tbsp. Goji Berries
1 tbsp cup mixed seeds
½ frozen banana
½ cup frozen mango
½ cup almond/coconut milk or water

1.       Add the liquids, green magic, kale and spinach to the blender and blitz together.
2.       Then add the remaining ingredients and blitz on high until smooth.


Teriyaki Glazed Seabass and tender stem broccoli

A super quick and easy work night tea, I can have this on the table within 20 minutes of walking through the door. Add some peppers, carrots or any other veg that you fancy :)

Teriyaki Glazed Seabass and tender stem broccoli

2 pieces of boneless sea bass
1 tbsp. teriyaki marinade
1 tsp. chilli oil
1 tsp. golden syrup
Tender stem broccoli

1.       In a small re-sealable bag,  put in the fish and the teriyaki sauce and leave to marinade for around 10mins
2.       Preheat the grill to high
3.       Put a teaspoon of chilli infused olive oil into a fry pan and heat
4.       Put the sea bass under the grill skin side down and cook for 2 minutes
5.       Stir fry the broccoli for a minute or so
6.       Turn the fish over and drizzle a little golden syrup over the skin and put back under the grill for about 4 more minutes until skin is crispy
7.       Whilst the fish is cooking, add a teaspoon of boiled water to the pan – be careful it will sizzle

8.       On a plate serve the broccoli on the base and place the sea bass on top

Tasty Mushroom and Spinach Omlette

One of my favorite breakfasts! Protein packed and super tasty, its usually my breakfast of choice before training!

Tasty Mushroom and Spinach Omelette

1 tsp. chilli infused olive oil
2 eggs
1 tbsp. milk
2 Portobello mushrooms sliced thinly
Large handful of fresh spinach
½ tbsp. grated parmesan or cheddar cheese
Pinch of dried thyme
Pinch of salt
Grinding of black pepper

1.       Preheat the grill to high
2.       Add the oil to the pan and allow to heat up
3.       Add the sliced mushrooms and thyme then cook until all the water from the mushrooms has evaporated
4.       Whilst the mushrooms are cooking beat the eggs in a bowl and add the milk, salt and pepper
5.       Add the spinach to the pan and cook for a minute or so until wilted
6.       Add the beaten egg to the pan and swirl the pan until it covers the base. Sprinkle the cheese over the top
7.       Turn the heat off the hob and put the pan under the grill until golden cooked through.


RECIPE: Chicken and Mushroom Won Ton Soup Noodles

One of my favorite things to eat is this warm, hearty broth with noodles and won tons. For me its just the perfect comfort food. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do :)

Emmaline’s Chicken Broth

Chicken Broth – makes about 2 litres

Approx. 2 Litres of boiled water
1 Large Chicken
3 Large Carrots cut into quarters
6 New Potatoes Peeled and Quartered
1 Onion Quartered
1 Stock Cube
2 Tbsp. Dark Soya Sauce
2 Tbsp. Oyster Sauce
2 Tbsp. Honey
½ tsp Dried Mixed Herbs
½ tsp Ground Ginger
¼ tsp Garlic Powder
¼ tsp Dried Chilli Flakes
¼ tsp Ground White Pepper
2 Dried Bay Leaves
Few twists of Black Pepper

Method –
1.       Put all the ingredients into the pan and bring to the boil
2.       Skim the soup of any scum
3.       Continue to boil for approximately 20-30 minutes
4.       Lower the heat to a simmer and leave to cook for another hour
5.       Taste the soup and add more of the ingredients to suit your taste
6.       Remove all the ingredients (except the soup base) and place on a plate – this can be eaten with the soup or used to make chicken and vegetable pasties (see recipe page   )
7.       Drain the soup through kitchen towel and a colander into a jug
8.       Can be poured into individual containers, allow to cool and freeze or use immediately as a broth with the chicken and vegetables from the soup.
9.       Serve with homemade won tons and some noodles of your choice

Chicken and Mushroom Won Tons – Makes about 30

6 skinless and boneless chicken thighs
2 Spring Onions
½ inch Fresh Ginger
Handful of Fresh coriander leaves
5 Dried Chinese Oyster Mushrooms (soaked and drained)
Small can of water chestnuts or bamboo shoots
Small Pack of won ton skins
1 Tbsp. Teriyaki Sauce
Few drops of toasted sesame oil
1 tsp sugar

Method –
1.       In a food processor add all the vegetables and herbs and blitz until finely chopped. Remove from processor and put into a large bowl
2.       Put the chicken into the food processor and blitz for a minute until smooth and add to the large bowl
3.       Mix the ingredients together and add the teriyaki sauce and sugar, mix them again
4.       Spoon teaspoon amounts into each won ton skin, fold the edge over and seal with beaten egg or water

5.       Can be used straight away by boiling in the chicken broth for 7 minutes or freeze them in individual pieces of greaseproof paper and cook them from frozen when needed.
Any leftover filling can be made into patties and fried for a few minutes

RECIPE: The Emmaline Tsui Monster Salad

The Monster Salad
After lots of demand on social networking sites, finally I am writing a blog on food! My most favourite thing in the world! ;)
Most days at work I like to eat what I call a 'Monster Salad'. I guess there is no exact recipe or method but here are some guidelines on how i make them. I usually like to do a shop once a week and buy enough food to last me around 4 days at work. 
Here is a rough guide as to what I buy and use in my salads - please feel free to chop and change the ingredients to suit your own tastes...

Food shopping list...

1 x 200g Bag of mixed salad (I like Florette as it seems to last the best in the fridge)
1 x pot of olives (Castelvetrano are my favourite)
1 x Avocado
1 x pot of coleslaw or hummous
1 x pot of carbohydrates (this could be pasta, cous cous, noodles or whatever i fancy)
1 x pot of chargrilled artichokes or anchovies
1 x bottle of salad dressing (my favourite is the fresh ones in the refrigerator section - Sainsburys Mango, chilli and lime is amazing!)
Then a 'mains' this could be either any of the following...
4 x chicken thighs (generally pre-cooked if I don't have the time to make them in advance)
1 x pack of smoked salmon
1 x pack of smoked mackerel
1 x pack of halloumi

Then its all about the assembly and quantities used.
  • I wouldn't advise that you eat any more than half an avocado per day (I usually have 1/4 per day as they are so calorific)
  • Around a tablespoon of coleslaw or hummus (like the avocado its quite calorific)
  • Around one to two tablespoons of carbs
  • Then I usually split everything else over 3 or 4 days and keep everything all in the fridge
I love these salads, they are so filling and full of nutrients, they have bags of flavour and its amazing how you don't feel so bloated with them as you don't really need any bread with them. They are also super quick to make :)

I hope you enjoy them as much as me

Emmaline xx


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