EATING OUT: The Con Club | Altrincham

Why hello hello everybody! A very belated Merry Christmas to you all too! I hope you've all had a lovely break and are still relaxing, eating and enjoying yourselves. I will be doing a 'Little Gems' post soon of all my festive antics, but until then, I thought I would do a little "eating out' post on The Con Club.

So many of you have been asking if I have been and so I thought I would stop wasting time and do a quick post on the place!

For those who are not aware, The Con Club has only just opened a few weeks ago opposite Altrincham Market (One of my all time fav foodie places!). I've bee dying to check it out for some time and so the other day, whilst in the midst of some last minute Christmas shopping, I thought I would bob in. It was a very last minute thing, I had my car being washed and so had some time to kill, so I thought why not check it out.

For those wondering, I went by myself. This to me is heaven! I appreciate a lot of you might think I'm a bit nuts, but I adore eating by myself. If I remember I take my laptop and headphones or a magazine and I'm away. I order what I want, eat what I want, leave what I want and go when I want! To be fair, they were very busy, but as I was on my own I managed to get a seat on one of their 'sharing tables'. I wasn't too fussed and it was a big enough table too so I wasn't sat facing anybody or anything too weird (don't get me wrong, I don't mind sharing a table, but don't get too close, I need my space ha ha!).

So, firstly, check out this decor! It's pretty cool right! Very laid back, industrial style. I guess it all works so well with The Market across the road too, it keeps with the same theme of that 'chilled out' vibe. I love a great meal where you can be dressed as casual as you like but the food is amazing! Just because I'm in trainers and a hoodie, doesn't mean I'm only able to eat in McDonalds! I was so excited to eat in this place, really chuffed I got a table too. I sat near the back at the gantry part. Can you see how busy it is! They said they were full till New Year on bookings which is so great - especially for Alty. I am loving seeing this place thrive again, makes me so happy!

Ok, so the food! I have heard such mixed reviews about this place. Some people say it's really good - 'Em, you've got to try the sushi! It's as good as Victors if not better!' Then others, not so much! 'My friends went and ordered the steak - apparently it came by itself with nothing else - no presentation, no nothing! I don't think they really enjoyed it, plus it's very overpriced!'

So, I decided to give the sushi a go, if everybody says the sushi is the best then why not give it a try. I ordered myself a green tea too, plus they also give out big bottles of tap water if needed as well. 

Now, let's remember that it had only recently opened and so I'm guessing they will be having teething problems with staff and the kitchen etc. I really want to like this place, so you might find me making excuses a little here and there! My green tea took ages to arrive unfortunately. When it came though it was good. It had a really lovely big cup and saucer too which was nice. I think the little touches are so important in a restaurant - the plates/cups/cutlery etc can really make or break the experience of a place. In this case, I was happy :)

I ordered 2 plates of sushi too. The flamed salmon roll and also the prawn (tempura I think) rolls. Ok, so I will be honest, the food took ages! I understand it was busy, but it took ages! The most annoying part was that for around 15 minutes of this time my food was sat in the gantry just waiting to be served. I kept looking thinking 'that's my food!' which was a bit of a pain. Plus, the staff were all so busy running around, that when I asked the server she looked and said - oh look it's just come out now! Erm... no, it's been sat there ages!! Anyway, forget that! It arrived finally and looked like this...

Now I'm not a sushi connoisseur by any means. I like to eat sushi when I go out and I try it in quite a few places so please don't shout if you know better than me. This sushi came and the rolls were huge! Like massive! They also tasted AMAZING! I know I didn't try all the sushi - seriously, I struggled eating these two rolls! They were good though, maybe because I had waited a lifetime and was starving, but they were good! I would definitely go back for this

I think this was my fav too. The prawn rolls were super tasty and the prawns were warm! I can't say the service was bad at all, but it wasn't amazing. I think everybody was a little bit lost - not knowing who's table they were looking after but hopefully this will improve over time.

Anyhoo, today I decided to venture back with hubs! I needed some comfort food and thought it would be good to check it out again. I called up asking for a table and they said they could fit us in on a 'sharing table' again which was fine by me. As it's the day after Boxing Day, they only had a Boxing Day menu on. Kind of a lunch menu, not sushi at all. Instead it was a mix of brunch and sandwiches. I was so hungry this was perfect for me and so we both ended up having the fish finger sandwich. Check it out! :) Happy Days!

I can see why some people are not so keen, the food is plated very simply, but I think that's the style of the place. It's not meant to be over the top fancy, just good, comfort food. The sandwiches did take ages to come again - but at least they were served as soon as they arrived on the gantry. It's pretty simple too, it was literally fish fingers and watercress on the bread. No butter, no sauce, no nothing. The fish though was cooked perfectly. I asked for extra sauces and slathered mine in tartare sauce and ketchup. The chips were pretty good (if not a little cold though!) but all in all I was happy. We had a large bottle of water, one green tea and two fish finger butties and it came to £22. I'm not going to say it's really cheap, but I was quite happy with that.

I guess it's the type of place you would go to for some good, simple food. The sushi was really good and really filling. So were the sandwiches. Don't expect fancy plated food or feel any need to dress up either. This is just good, honest comfort food - (albeit the food took a while). I hope that this improves and I know I will definitely be back. What have you heard? Have you been? Did you enjoy it? I would love to know what you think - I'm not sure if it was just me waiting a while for the food or does everybody experience this?

Thanks so much for reading! I hope you have a fab time over New Year and I will be back soon with more posts and lots more to come in January I hope. Watch this space!

Big love to you all,

Em x

LITTLE GEMS: Getting VERY Festive!

Hello! How are you all? Merry Christmas! Oh my, I'm so excited for next week :) How was your week? I had another crazy one again - which is amazing, but I am really looking forwards to next weekend and a little break.
I decided to give my tree a little more oomph, so Mamma Tsui helped me add a few extras on my tree and now it's looking very festive indeed!

I don't think you can have a Christmas tree without Christmas biscuits! They make the tree smell amazing!

Delicious breakfast this week with some leftover kale, sourdough bread and a poached egg. I have started eating eggs now around twice a week as I did really miss them when I changed my diet. They are also super convenient too. For me, they are more of a Winter breakfast as Summer is all about smoothies and acai bowls.


Wednesday night is usually carb night. This for me is the ultimate comforting and carbalicious food - Pasta with homemade basil dressing, peas, courgettes and beans. This is heaven after a long day!

I swear it tastes a lot better than it looks ha ha!

So... The Con Club. I've wanted to try this place since it opened and so on Friday I decided to just bob in. I hadn't booked and it was a lunchtime. I was about to do some last bits of my Christmas shopping and I fancied some sushi - so I gave it a go. I am going to do a full post on this place, so I won't give too much away - let's just say the sushi was goood!!

Fav place as usual, lunch at The Greenhouse with hubs. Ok, so it might look a little like a cheese fest - and I guess it was! Stuffed potato skin, oat pancakes with spinach (sounds gross - tastes life changing!!) Plus a big mix of salads too - Happy days!

Big home cooked dinner on Saturday with the family. I know the presentation isn't perfect, but this is proper home cooking and my oh my it was good! Vegetable pie, roasted Mediterranean veggies, roasted sprouts and some good old mashed potato. So maybe I lied earlier, I think this is the ULTIMATE comfort food!

Sunday morning breakfast. The best omelette ever! Made with sweet potato and last night's roasted veg (minus the sprouts of course), then wrapped in a warm tortilla and toasted under the grill. This keeps me full till lunchtime and it tastes amazing!

Finally, dinner tonight at the Stockyard in Hale. Two mega burgers! The type that are so big you can't even take a proper bite ha ha. I had the veggie burger called 'Half Way To Vegan' which is a bean burger with halloumi and peppers, salad etc. Hubs had the chicken burger called Los Pollos which was nice and tasty too he says. We shared the 'wet fries' (fries with gravy - amazing!) and sweet potato fries which are uber crispy too. I am sooo full right now. Not complaining though, I'm always happy with a full belly!

I hope you all had a great week. We're on countdown now boys and girls - embrace it! Christmas is coming!!

Thanks so much for reading,

Em x


LITTLE GEMS: Food, Skincare & Yoga = Good Times!

Ok, so this has been another mad, mad, crazy week! Today (as in Sunday) was my final event of the year at the clinic (I've done 3 in the past couple of weeks!) so hopefully life can get back to being a little more 'normal' - whatever that is! I hope you had a great week, this was mine...

Still slightly obsessed with this crunchy quinoa I made the other week with nuts and seeds. It was so delicious I've been using it on everything. It's so yummy as a breakfast with granola and some extra 'superfoods'. Here I had it with blueberries, chia seeds, cacao, bee pollen and Coyo yoghurt. It might look like the forrest food, but it was delicious!

Christmas is here and so is my tree! I love a real tree and I've even managed to make some little gingerbread biscuits to go on the tree too! It smalls amazing and is so cosy when all the lights are on. The only problem is, I think my cat believes he should be on the tree too! I keep catching him either playing with a gingerbread or a bauble like its a punch bag! ha ha!

Took an afternoon off this week to go shopping with one of my besties. Had such a great time too! We had a very late lunch in San Carlo Grand Cafe in Selfridges. I sweat this aubergine sandwich is to die for! My friend had the prawn and fish cakes which she said were delish too!

So, I'm not a big 'selfie' person much. I do them now and again, but here is little me all dolled up for an event I did at the clinic this week. My team and I put on a skin analysis event, showing clients their skins in depth using the skin scanner. It was such a success and everybody worked so so hard. For all the people who asked about my outfit, it is a jumpsuit from Boohoo. It was so comfy! Click here for the link. I don't know how many they have left in stock, but it's gorgeous for the party season! I'm not very big on fashion, but I love it so much. I'm going to try in the new year to be 'stylish' at least one day a week. Will try and do some outfit posts and maybe you guys can come along for the journey. I'm always trying to learn about fashion, but I just never feel very brave with it. I always find myself in comfy casuals and I want it to change! So, watch this space guys...!

It wouldn't be a normal week without a portion of avo toast for brekkie! I had it 3 times this week, I think I need to admit I'm an addict! ha ha!

Another place that I'm sure you see so much... Victors! I do love this place and I must go nearly every week. What can I say??? The flamed salmon roll is too good to miss! Above is the salt and pepper squid and asparagus.

Then the salt and pepper black cod rolls. I've never had these before but they were really good!

Finally, the pièce de résistance - The flamed salmon roll! Tah Dah! Amazing!

Plus seriously, look at these decorations! It's so stunning, certainly puts my house to shame ha ha!

Lunch with hubs on Saturday at the fab Altrincham Market. I had the usual aubergine and tofu rice bowl from Wolfhouse Kitchen and hubs had the spiced Korean chicken one. He said his was delicious too. 

I LOVE these bowls so so much. Sometimes they do a little overkill on the sauce on the rice, but other than that I can't complain. I think I could eat this every day ha ha!

Saturday dinner at home with my man. I can't claim to have really 'cooked' this. I was in a super lazy mood, so we had an M & S dine in for Two. These are such good value for money as well. We had 2 veggie pies (which may I add tasted so good!), roasted Mediterranean vegetables and then I just cooked some kale and beans. We also go 2 bottle of non-alcoholic plonk and a dessert too. You really can't complain at these prices - £10 for the 3 dishes and drinks!!

Then today here is a picture of myself and Adele (who is my amazing yoga teacher with a heart of actual GOLD) before our facial yoga event. It was so so much fun and it was our second one this year. So proud of us Adele :) Next one will hopefully be in the Spring, an hour longer and with a bit more advanced yoga and facials! Can't wait!

The little yoga studio before the fun began :)

I came home to an amazing dinner cooked by my hubby! Loving Sunday nights with my little chef he he! We had aubergine and potato curry. It was amazing too! Plus super hearty and warming as well, so bloomin' cold outside!

Finally, I will end on this. Look at this beautiful sunset tonight, I actually stood at the window for ages just watching it. It's pretty mesmerising! This is without any filters or anything! What a stunning view outside my window - #Blessed :o)

I hope you all have a wonderful week. It's getting closer and closer to Christmas too now and I'm so excited!!

Thanks so much for reading,

Big Love,

Em x

LITTLE GEMS: Home Cooked Heaven!

Another week and another lot of yummy food! It's been so busy again - I literally say this every week ha ha! How was your week? Did you have a good one? Here's my little foodie journeys this week...

Yummy crumble leftovers again on Monday. Except this time I added some fresh blueberries and coyo yoghurt - Amazing way to start the week!

Then, it was such a late night after work on Monday, I made some store cupboard food. This has to be one of my fav pasta dishes and its so simple! Gluten free spaghetti, peas and a fresh olive oil and basil dressing. It's super quick and simple but tastes so fresh it's unreal!

At least somebody is making use of our outdoor furniture in this cold weather ha ha!

I made some cod this week too. I had it with noodles and vegetables that I found in the fridge. This again was really quick but tasted great. I try not to eat too much fish anymore, I would love to go completely plant-based, but until that point in my life, I will stick to being a pescetarian! 

This was an experiment that turned out really well! It's hot, whipped, cacao porridge. Sounds kind of weird but was actually really tasty. I'm going to have a play with different versions and when I get one I can't live without, I promise I will share it with you!

One of my fav places in Hale, The Greenhouse. This salad was delicious!!

New little purchase here from TK Maxx. I wanted a lantern I could burn my new Amy Evelyn candles in and check this one out! It matches perfectly! Happy days!

Friday night dinner was at my fav Chinese restaurant - Red Chilli on Oxford Road in Manchester. We always have the same thing only different I guess you could say, but it was yum! Who says veggie food isn't delicious.

Deep fried tofu

Tung Choi, Aubergine and Tofu - mmmmm!!

Then finally, I had breakfast at Fox this weekend for a little spontaneous business brunch with two lovely ladies! All meetings should look like this ha ha! Can't beat a bit of avo toast and these guys do it pretty well indeed!  

From looking at my pics that's pretty much it too! Had lots of family time this weekend as well so we had plenty of delicious home-cooked food. One thing I will never complain about!

I hope you all had a good week too

Thanks so much for reading,

Big love,

Em x

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