BBQ Pulled Jackfruit with Nachos, Salsa and Sweetcorn Relish

I mentioned on my stories the other night that I made some delicious enchiladas using jackfruit (something I've never tried cooking with before!). I was all set to post a recipe and then a few days passed, then a couple of weeks and before you know it I had forgotten how I even made it!

So last night we decided to have some classic nacho's for dinner with tomato salsa, sweetcorn relish and greek yoghurt (no sour cream in the house) and they were so so good! I thought it was a great opportunity to make some BBQ pulled jackfruit to go with it too.

I did just make this up as I went along and you don't necessarily need all the ingredients I've added. Use what you have and adjust to suit your taste.

Here is the recipe for all the bits and bobs I made...



  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 onion chopped finely
  • 1 spring onion chopped finely
  • 1/2 bell pepper chopped finely
  • 1 can of jackfruit drained
  • 1 can of mixed beans drained (or any beans you like)
  • 1 tsp chipotle paste
  • 1/2 tbsp smoked paprika
  • 1 - 2 tsp chilli powder (or however much chilli you like)
  • 1-2 tbsp bbq sauce
  • 1-2 tbsp tomato ketchup
  • 1 cup tomato passata
  • A squeeze of concentrated vegetable stock or half a cube
  • Black pepper
  • Oil for frying
  • Boiled water
  • 1/4 cup amaranth (optional - plus you could any any other grain if you wanted instead too)
  • Add some oil to a large fry pan with a lid and fry the chopped onions and garlic until softened.
  • Add your chopped red pepper and continue to fry for another few minutes
  • Add to the pan the mixed beans and jackfruit and fry for a further few minutes.
  • Then add all your 'flavourings' - so chipotle paste, BBQ sauce, tomato ketchup, passata, vegetable stock cube, good grinding of black pepper, smoked paprika and chilli powder.
  • Stir this around in the pan for a minute or so to caramelise and then add some boiled water - enough just to nearly cover the ingredients in the pan
  • Add the amaranth or any grains you might be using and cover with a lid for around 30 minutes (stirring occasionally) on a low to medium heat.
  • When you're ready to eat, remove the lid and turn up the heat and reduce the sauce until its quite thick. Keep stirring so it doesn't burn.


  • 2 finely chopped tomatoes
  • Small handful of fresh basil chopped
  • 1 tbsp chilli oil
  • Ground black pepper
  • Drizzle of balsamic glaze
  • In a small bowl, add all the ingredients and stir well


  • 1 can of sweetcorn drained
  • 2 inch chunk of cucumber finely chopped (seeds removed)
  • 1/2 bell pepper finely chopped
  • Handful of fresh coriander finely chopped
  • Handful of fresh mint finely chopped
  • 1/2 a red chilli finely chopped (or to your liking)
  • Squeeze of fresh lime
  • In a medium bowl add all the ingredients and stir well

I love to serve these with some salted nachos with melted cheese on top. We also added a little greek yoghurt too. Perfect comfort food!

I hope you enjoy this recipe,

Stay safe

Em xx

RECIPE: Quick Leek & Mushroom Egg Brunch

I received some leeks the other day from a neighbour and I wasn't quite sure what to do with them. Then I made a delicious 'disco cauliflower' recipe with one, a vegetable pie with another and then this... mushroom and leek eggs.

I did some research online to decide what to do with my last two leeks (I know, that's how exciting my life is at the moment!) and got inspired from an Ottolenghi recipe. 

Needless to say, it was good! Like seriously good! I would mention though, like when cooking with onions, you need patience. When browning the leeks, you want them to really caramelise and so this won't happen in a couple of minutes, I think I was stood by the pan for a good ten minutes before I was ready to add the mushrooms, but let me tell you... it was so worth the wait!


  • 2 leeks sliced into 1cm discs
  • large handful of chestnut mushroom quartered
  • 2 large handfuls of spinach
  • 1 tsp mixed herbs
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/4 small pack of feta cheese
  • squeeze of lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp garlic oil
  • 2-3 tbsps of vegetable stock (I like the liquid stock in a bottle which I add and then add a splash of water to it)
  • salt & pepper
  • Z'attar and chilli flakes to garnish
  • In a large frying pan (which you can put a lid on) add the oil and warm.
  • Add the leeks and fry for around 10 mins with a pinch of salt and a good grinding of black pepper.
  • Once the leeks have caramelised and fallen apart, add the mushrooms and continue to fry for a few more minutes until they have started to become golden
  • Add your mixed herbs and vegetable stock and stir it together
  • Add your spinach, stir as best as you can and then clamp on a lid until the spinach begins to wilt.
  • Once the spinach has softened squeeze in the lemon juice and using a spoon, make four 'wells' in the pan and crack an egg into each one
  • Crumble a handful of feta cheese all around the pan and then clamp on the lid again over a low to medium heat until the tops of the eggs are cooked and no longer slimy.
  • Remove the lid and off the heat, add another grinding of black pepper, a sprinkle of z'attar, a sprinkle of chilli flakes and serve with some toasted sourdough an extra bit of heartiness.
I hope you enjoy this as much as we did,

Stay safe,

Em x

RECIPE: Super Quick Mixed Vegetable Toasts

This was a meal which was a positive out of a negative. I'd come back from Tescos doing my grocery shop and was a little bit traumatised to be honest with all the panic buying. After seeing empty shelves it gave me a sick feeling in my stomach. I then switched on the news and then it was like my stomach dropped. After watching a little too much of good old Sky news, I was no longer in the mood for the big meal I had planned. I wanted something easy, filling and quick. This was what I made and it comforted me no end.

I hope you guys are all staying safe and trying not to get too stressed (I know, easier said than done right!). This little recipe helped feed my soul and grounded me too. I could eat it on the sofa, knees up to my chest with the plate balancing on top of them. 'Finger food' as it were!

WHAT YOU NEED - serves 1 little soul

  • 1 -  2 tsp garlic or chill oil (or a combination of the two)
  • 1 tomato chopped into cubes
  • 2 - 3 mushrooms sliced thinly
  • Handful of spinach
  • 1 slice of sourdough bread
  • salt & pepper
  • truffle oil
  • parmesan cheese
  • fresh chopped parsley and basil to garnish
  • In a frying pan, add your garlic oil and allow to warm.
  • Add the mushrooms and fry for a few minutes before adding the tomatoes. season with salt and pepper and finally add the spinach. Continue to cook until the tomatoes and mushrooms are cooked through and the spinach has wilted.
  • Pop your bread in the toaster now.
  • When everything has cooked, stir through a little truffle oil off the heat (optional) and top your toast with the cooked veggies.
  • Serve with another grinding of pepper, a good grating of parmesan and a sprinkle of freshly chopped parsley and basil leaves
  • Apply to face
I hope you try this recipe out. It's great as a quick lunch or a light evening meal if you're just feeling a little overwhelmed.

Stay safe guys and sending lots of love,

Em x

RECIPE: Spiced Oat & Coconut Crackers

Is it bad that I make oat and coconut milk now just to make these crackers? It was an experiment that I had a play with the other day and then I became addicted. You know when you reach for a savoury snack and before you know it... the whole pack is gone! Well this is what happened, so I had to make some more!

I have spoken in the past for my love of my Almond Cow nut milk maker, I mean, it's bloody brilliant for people like me who like to make their own nut milks. I will admit, it did take some time for me to find a recipe that I liked and also, please remember these are not like the ones you get in the carton. Oatly barista will always take centre stage in my heart, but for £2 a carton that lasts around 3-4 matcha lattes, I thought it was best if I found a cheaper alternative.

Anyway, I'm digressing! If you make your own nut milks, this is a great way to use up the pulp. It's super easy to do to!


  • 1 cup of nut milk pulp
  • 2 tbsp garlic oil
  • 2 tbsp ground flaxseed
  • 1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 3/4 - 1 cup of flour (I like spelt for the nutty flavour it gives)
  • 3 tbsp medium curry powder
  • few teaspoons of z'attar to sprinkle on top
  • salt and pepper
  • Cut a piece of baking paper to fit the inside of your baking tray.
  • Strain out as much liquid from the pulp as you can and add to a food processor with the all the ingredients except the z'attar and flour. Blitz together.
  • Then add 3/4 cup of flour and pulse until you get a thick, dough like consistency. Add a little extra flour if your mixture is still quite loose (this can depend on the flour you use and also how much liquid is still in the pulp).
  • Wrap the dough in cling film and leave in the fridge for 60 minutes to set.
  • When ready to cook, preheat the oven to 175 degrees and roll out the dough onto the baking paper to your desired thickness. Using a pizza cutter or sharp knife, cut the dough into squares and prick each one a few times with a fork.
  • Brush with some garlic oil and sprinkle some z'attar over the top.
  • Bake in the oven for around 20 minutes, then remove from the oven and brake the squares apart and put back in the oven again for a further 10 minutes or until crispy and golden brown.
  • Serve with some tasty dips like this hummus recipe 
I hope you give these a go. I'm thinking you could have a play around with the recipe and make sweet ones with cinnamon too... I think that's my next plan!

Stay safe,

Em x

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