Super Quick Chicken, Cous Cous and Salsa

Ok, so this is quick! Super quick in fact! Put it this way, I left work just after 7, nipped to the co-op to get some peppers and had tea on the table by 7:50! I would say that's pretty quick for a home cooked plate of grub :)
I was going to mix the salsa in with the cous cous, but I decided not to and I'm so glad I did. The warm soft cous cous and then a fresh, cool hit of the salsa made my little tastebuds do somersaults!
Anyway, this is how I did it, I was super lazy and had some M and S marinated chicken escalopes in the freezer (these are amazing for a quick tea! Just pull it out of the freezer in the morning and voila! Dinner is served)


  • 4 pieces of marinated chicken escalopes - I had the M and S pri piri ones
  • 1/2 cup wholewheat cous cous
  • 3/4 cup hot chicken stock
  • small can of chickpeas
  • 1/2 yellow pepper
  • small chunk of cucumber
  • 8 cherry tomatoes
  • handful of pomegranate seeds
  • 1 tbsp chopped flat leaf parsley
  • 1/2 tbsp chopped mint
  • juice of 1/4 lemon
  • tbsp garlic oil
  • 1/2 tsp sugar
  • Put a griddle pan on a high heat and allow to warm up
  • Cover the cous cous in the chicken stock then add the chickpeas on top
  • Give a gentle stir with a fork then cover with clingfilm or a plate
  • Chop finely the cucumber, tomatoes and pepper
  • Add to small bowl and stir in the lemon juice, parsley, mint, pomegranate, olive oil and sugar
  • Cook the chicken on the griddle until charred and golden (and cooked through)
  • Layer up on a plate with the cous cous on the bottom, then the chicken and the salsa on top
  • Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil if needed and a little hummus...enjoy!

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