LITTLE GEMS: Home Cooked Heaven!

Another week and another lot of yummy food! It's been so busy again - I literally say this every week ha ha! How was your week? Did you have a good one? Here's my little foodie journeys this week...

Yummy crumble leftovers again on Monday. Except this time I added some fresh blueberries and coyo yoghurt - Amazing way to start the week!

Then, it was such a late night after work on Monday, I made some store cupboard food. This has to be one of my fav pasta dishes and its so simple! Gluten free spaghetti, peas and a fresh olive oil and basil dressing. It's super quick and simple but tastes so fresh it's unreal!

At least somebody is making use of our outdoor furniture in this cold weather ha ha!

I made some cod this week too. I had it with noodles and vegetables that I found in the fridge. This again was really quick but tasted great. I try not to eat too much fish anymore, I would love to go completely plant-based, but until that point in my life, I will stick to being a pescetarian! 

This was an experiment that turned out really well! It's hot, whipped, cacao porridge. Sounds kind of weird but was actually really tasty. I'm going to have a play with different versions and when I get one I can't live without, I promise I will share it with you!

One of my fav places in Hale, The Greenhouse. This salad was delicious!!

New little purchase here from TK Maxx. I wanted a lantern I could burn my new Amy Evelyn candles in and check this one out! It matches perfectly! Happy days!

Friday night dinner was at my fav Chinese restaurant - Red Chilli on Oxford Road in Manchester. We always have the same thing only different I guess you could say, but it was yum! Who says veggie food isn't delicious.

Deep fried tofu

Tung Choi, Aubergine and Tofu - mmmmm!!

Then finally, I had breakfast at Fox this weekend for a little spontaneous business brunch with two lovely ladies! All meetings should look like this ha ha! Can't beat a bit of avo toast and these guys do it pretty well indeed!  

From looking at my pics that's pretty much it too! Had lots of family time this weekend as well so we had plenty of delicious home-cooked food. One thing I will never complain about!

I hope you all had a good week too

Thanks so much for reading,

Big love,

Em x

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