This was soo tasty :) - This isn't really a recipe but more of an assembly - but hey ho! Even better right? Super Easy!
2 x Eggs
1-2 Handfuls of Spinach
1 or 2 pieces of Granary Bread (or whichever bread you prefer)
1 tsp. Sweet Chilli Sauce
2 tsp. Mayo
Salt & Pepper
- Start by poaching your eggs by dropping them into a pan of swirling boiled water
- Whilst these are cooking pop your toast in the toaster
- Put the spinach into a bowl and cover with boiled water
- Cook your eggs to your liking - I usually like soft boiled (around 4mins)
- Take your toast out and spread with the chilli sauce
- Drain and 'dry' your spinach and arrange on top of the toast
- Bring your eggs out of the pan and 'dry' with kitchen towel and place on top of spinach
- Drizzle with some mayo or hollandaise (if you prefer)
- Add a little salt and pepper
- Enjoy with a glass of fresh juice
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