Sunday Night Prep!

So you all know how much I love my food right!?!? Well, when I'm at work I just don't always have the time to make a great lunch from scratch without doing a bit of prep first!
My 'Monster Salads' have come quite a long way since I started off and I thought I'd show you how I manage to give myself a hearty lunch without all the time-consuming work at lunch time.
The key is PREP! PREP PREP PREP! For anybody who wants to know how I do my packed lunches, here's what I do...

I love lentils, sweet potato, cherry tomatoes and butter nut squash - especially roasted! So, on a Sunday night I try to roast a load of vegetables that will last me 3 or 4 days and so I can add them to my salad when I'm at work and have a little packed lunch!

All you need to do is...

  • Chop the butter nut squash or sweet potato and drizzle with some flavoured olive oil (my fav this week is lemon and sun-dried tomato oil), pepper and if I fancy - some fresh sage or dried herbs - put in the oven for around 45-60 mins at a high heat (200-225 degrees) - when cooked sprinkle with a little sea salt if necessary
  • Put the tomatoes in a small foil tray and drizzle with some balsamic glaze, olive oil, cracked black pepper and maybe some fresh basil - put the tomatoes in the oven with the potatoes or squash and cook along side them
  • Boil one cup of green lentils for 20 minutes then add a drizzle of garlic oil and a squeeze of lemon juice
Then pack them up separately and take them to work! I like to warm them up before I put them on my salads - mainly as I LOVE a warm salad! Then add all my other extra bits - whatever I fancy and Ta Dah! we have a simple quick salad, which is super filling but only took 5 mins to put together (excluding the Sunday night prep of course!)

Hope you enjoy - of course you can always cook what you prefer, this is just what I like! 

Happy Cooking!

Emmaline x

So here's the final salad! Avocado, roasted tomatoes and butternut squash, lentils, pepperdew peppers, crispy onions, vegan salami and a signature drizzle of balsamic glaze. Anybody curious about the vegan salami, its pretty tasty! I buy mine from unicorn grocery but I'm sure a lot of health food shops sell it :)


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