Sexy Italian Inspired Dinner

Ok, so we all must have got the idea about how much I loved PIZZA NIGHT! Oh so amazing! But I guess the only problemo with doing a night like that is you get leftovers, like tonnes of leftovers and sometimes you need some inspiration of what to do with them. I always need quick food on an evening as it's usually pretty late by the time I get home so what I eat needs to be speedy but at the same time mega tasty! On my way home I nipped to the shop and grabbed some bits but seriously, most of this food is probably already in your pantry/cupboard anyways!
Salmon or any kind of fish is always easy and quick. I did a couple of different meals with it this week but both with sundried tomato paste which gives such a yummy sweet flavour. Here is my recipe though for the one I made last night, an Italian inspired dinner! Enjoy!!

Sundried tomato paste
Juice of half a lemon
Chilli oil 
Fresh pesto
Fine beans
Large can of cannellini beans
Half clove garlic
Garlic oil
Salt and pepper

• preheat the grill to high
• mix the lemon juice, a tsp of chilli oil and a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste together and spread on top of the fish
• grill the fish for around 3-5 minutes per side or to your liking
• whilst it's cooking, fry the cannellini beans in a pan with a little garlic oil and some grated garlic clove 
• whilst frying the beans, squish them a little and add a little boiled water to the pan, keep adding and mashing until you get the consistency that you want for your beans. Add some salt and pepper and drizzle with some garlic oil - put at the bottom of the oven to keep warm
• then fry the fine beans in a little oil, add a pinch of salt and then add a splash of water to the pan - it will spit and go crazy so be careful not to burn yourself!
• add a couple of teaspoons of pesto to the cooked beans and turn off the heat. Continue turning the beans until they are completely coated. 
• finally, plate up! Cannellini bean mash on the bottom, then the pesto beans and  top with the cooked salmon! Drizzle with some more chilli oil, sprinkle some cracked black pepper, a couple of fresh basil leaves and finally if you wish some balsamic glaze! Enjoy!!


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