Wow! This is really a difficult one for me. My collection of cookbooks is insanely large - like really really large! So, I stood in front of my library and tried to decide 5 of my favs - hmmm... challenging! I have finally narrowed it down to this selection, here goes...

1. Deliciously Ella | By Ella Woodward

This is the original! How I love this book. It gives me so much inspiration to cook more plant based. Also, as this is her first book, there are loads of fabulous recipes that are great 'copies' for basic ones such as her 'black bean chilli' and the 'raw chocolate brownies' and her 'brazil nut and avocado pesto'. Recipes like this make me feel like I'm not missing out too, I call still have my naughty treats - except they're not so naughty!

I love this black and kidney bean chilli recipe, it's super quick and easy to make.

2. Plant Based Cookbook | By Trish Sebben-Krupka

So this is a recent purchase and I am yet to cook anything from it. "So why does it make your favourites??" I hear you ask! It's such a great book, some of the best books I have I just love to read more than cook from. I love anything that excites me into getting in the kitchen and this book does just that! The best bit is throughout the book, it has sections which give you info about different vegetables, beans, grains etc. My fav bit is this...

It gives you healthy baking substitutions! OH MY GOD! This is a lifesaver! You can easily swap dairy products for plant based alternatives from other recipes - amazing!

3. Nourish - Mind, Body & Soul | By Amber Rose, Sadie Frost and Holly Davidson

So, out of all my books, this one I LOVE! It inspires me to be that person. The diet, the fitness and the mindset - all of it! I want it! ha ha! It's just a book I love to flip through and dip into a recipe now and again too. It's more than just a cook book - so much more! Definitely a book to add to your collection!

And come on... Kale crisps? Just scream zen and health to me ha ha! It's great! I talks through the 'whole lifestyle package' of health with food, exercise and also the mind. A great book to kick-start your motivation!

4. How to be a Domestic Goddess | Nigella Lawson

The last 2 books come from one of my all time favourite cooks - Nigella Lawson! She is a complete domestic goddess - and I might worship her slightly too! This book I adore - hands down - ADORE! I have read through this book so many times (as I've done with most of my Nigella collection - I have them all don't you know! ha ha!) I cook from this book a lot too, these are all pretty much indulgent recipes, but the food does taste epic! 

As I'm sure you can tell from the fact that these pages are practically stuck together, this is the BEST recipe! This madeira cake is the most delicious cake ever. Its crispy and crunchy on top and soft and lemony inside. I make it a lot too, I've tried to replace the flour with gluten free flour, I've tried replacing the sugar content with agarve or other sweeteners but it's just not the same. So, lesson learnt - if you want a piece of this cake, accept the amount of sugar in it can give you diabetes and the amount of butter can give you a heart attack and tuck in!

5. Nigella Christmas | Nigella Lawson

I know, I know... it's April and I'm dropping the 'C-Bomb' already but not really. This just has to be in this list. Every year on December the 1st I sit and read through this to get me feeling festive - ok I lie, maybe I sneak a peak in November (I mean October), but I just get too excited ha ha!

I love all the recipes in this book, really I do! Every Christmas morning I make the 'Christmas Morning Muffins' from this book and they fill the house with the most fantastic scent, but these... these are amazing! Nigella's 'Christmas Rocky Roads'. They are very rich, not in the slightest bit healthy (unless you count the nuts inside) but are so unctuous and delicious we can afford to be a bit naughty now and again.

I hope you enjoyed this post, maybe there is a book here that you've not seen before and you fancy trying!

Thanks so much for reading

Emmaline x

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