LITTLE GEMS: Pure Comfort Food and Eating Out at The Con Club and Piccolinos

Hello! How are you? How was your week? I'm going to be honest and say this week was a bit of a blur! It's getting to that point when you realise that we are well into 2017, coming up to mid-January and you realise that you haven't really got anything done that you planned! Or is that just me? Ha ha!

So, with this in mind, I decided I needed some serious comfort food on Monday night! Super quick and easy too. So here it is... Lentil bolognese! Technically I know it's not really super quick, but I made a big batch and froze it so all I had to do was reheat it, make some pasta and fry some beans. I know it probably doesn't look super appetising, but it was I swear. It's such a great idea to batch cook food and then freeze it. It's great for soups and stews, but also bolognese like this. I might do a post on it and give you guys some inspo :)

Tuesday morning I continued with the comfort food! There is not a week that goes by where I don't have avo toast (I'm sure you will be aware of this if you regularly read my posts!). I did it slightly different as the avo wasn't quite ripe. Still tasty, but I had it sliced up instead of mashed for a change.

Something that I've decided I need to get back into is my juicing. I kind of went off it for a while and went more down the smoothie route, but 2017 is going to be about the juicing a lot more. I've restarted my Abel & Cole orders for their Green Juicing Boxes and hopefully it will get me in the mood to juice some more. It can be a bit of a faff sometimes and making this batch took me just over an hour, but it was worth it. If you don't have a juicer, smoothies are just as good. Sometimes I make a green smoothie and just add extra water so it has a consistency of juice if I don't have the time to juice. Anyhoo, let's see what Abel & Cole brings me, have you ever used them before? I go through phases, last time I vowed I wouldn't use them again as a lot of the veg was old on the day it arrived. Let's hope it's a bit better this time, it's so much easier than shopping in the supermarket and you know it's all organic too. 

I had such a fab day on Friday lunching with my lovely friend. We went to The Con Club for lunch and had the sushi. I have to admit it's really good there. The rolls are huge and super tasty. We went for the dragon roll and the salmon roll, plus the tuna nigiri. It was all yum except the tuna didn't taste too fresh (so we left one!) but other than that, happy days!

Have you eaten here yet? I really like it, the atmosphere is nice and chilled and the food is pretty good. I will say I've only had the sushi and a fish finger sandwich (obviously not the steaks or anything) but I've always been happy. The only whine I have is the food always takes ages! As in every time I have been it's taken a good 15-20 minutes if not longer (even for the fish finger sandwich), but I guess it's worth the wait. Just if you go, make sure you allow enough time for the wait!

More comfort food!! I know, this looks miserable! It's all beige and does not look very appetising. This to me though is quick, easy and tasty comfort food. Japanese noodles, vegetable won tons and chilli oil. Heaven in a bowl baby!

I was super lazy on Saturday night, I kind of wanted to cook but then couldn't really be bothered at the same time! Do you ever feel like that?!?! So, we decided to hit up M & S and get some tasty prepared food. We had the roasted cauliflower, sweet potato wedges, roasted mediterranean vegetables, butternut squash and yellow carrots, miso marinated cod and coleslaw. I literally opened the packets, shook it all onto separate baking trays and popped it in the oven. Quick, easy and comforting!

Sunday morning leftovers! I made a tasty omelette with all the leftover veggies from last night. Just simply fried it all in a pan, added one beaten egg and then put it under the grill. I swear I didn't even need lunch after this it was so filling. 

Then finally tonight we decided to venture out for dinner. Piccolino's have an offer on with their Club Individual card. So you get a £20 voucher if you use the card in January so I couldn't turn this offer down! We decided to share a few dishes between us (hubs and I that is) and get lots of flavours. Ok, so it's not the healthiest option, but it was super delicious! We went for the broccoli, courgette frites, aubergine parmigiana, calamari and butternut squash ravioli (my fav thing ever! Plus it's only available on their winter menu so I feel obliged to eat it up whilst I can!).

We then scoffed the chocolate volcano dessert between us. It comes with salted caramel ice cream which I had a teeny bit of and a big cup of peppermint tea.

I'm not usually a chocolate fiend, but I was in the mood tonight. This hit the spot big time!

It's been such a mad week but I'm super grateful that the clinic is busy. I hope your week was a good one! I've been trying to post a little more too so do have a scan through the posts this week. Plus, I've done a guest blog post on The Garden's website all about detoxing. Why not have a read, I will pop the link here.

Thanks so much for reading!

Big love,

Em x

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