LITTLE GEMS: Travelling to Courchevel | Nammos 1850, L'Aventure and some breath taking views!

So, what's that term...? "Better late than never?" or as my Mum would respond, "Yes Emmaline, but better never late!". So I'm here! Finally I've got time to write this post. Being honest, if it was just a normal week last week, I probably would have just skipped this. You know how my weeks work.... eating lots of food at home and then Victor's and The Con Club at the weekend ha ha! This week was different though! This week was MARVELLOUS!

Start as you mean to go on right? Well, I did! Hubs took me for a quick bite to eat at The Garden on Monday. He went for the Baked sweet potato and I had a soup - because you know, why not right! :)

He had it with the Thai curry - it was amazing!!

Monday night I cooked us a super tasty rice bowl. I've not had one of these for ages and I felt I needed some kind of goodness! The best part, it was pretty much all in the cupboard too so I didn't even have to shop! These are so delicious, especially with this satay style dressing. It's heaven to me!

I made myself some proper stinky soup as well. This is spiced cauliflower soup. It tasted amazing but really stinked my clinic out! I love a good roasted veggie soup though, so easy to make too. Just roast all your veggies in the oven and then bung them all in a big pan with some veggie stock and flavours, blitz it up and you're pretty much good to go. Plus, if you make a large batch (like I did), just freeze what ever is left over!

Yummy pasta night! I always cook with brown rice pasta at home as it's gluten free. This is such a simple pasta dish with mushrooms and some sneaky parmesan cheese and asparagus.

More home cooking! I made a quick lunch one day with some won ton's, fried celery and noodles. This is my 'go to' dish when I have less than 10 minutes to cook my dinner and it does taste great! Not probably the 'healthiest' option as the won ton are bought in (Didn't have enough 'Oh Mei Dumplings' this week - they are the best if you like Chinese dumplings. Check her out here) but they still taste ok. They are so bloody small though, you need at least 6 to fill you up!


Thursday morning post Yoga I had a delicious acai bowl. The sun was shining and for me, this is the only breakfast I can have when the sun comes out! It tastes like sunshine in a bowl!

Oh and then there was just a quick trip to France! He he! How breath taking is this place! When I was stood there I couldn't actually believe I was there, it looks like a postcard!

It's crazy, literally everywhere you turn there is a view of a beautiful mountain. This place is absolutely stunning. If you ever get a chance to visit Courchevel, I highly recommend it.

Oh, and the food is incredible too! We had a quick bite to eat when we go there. Check out these dinky little muffins. They were actually savoury and we had them with the olive tapenade. Absolutely delish!

Then some of the tastiest salads ever. They were so simple and dressed with a little oil and vinegar but they tasted so so good. I'm definitely going to do a simple salad like this over summer this year!

Hubs and I went for a walk around 1650 and came across this beautiful little bakery. Look at these cakes! Oh my word... I had to stop myself... "deux cafés s'il vous plait" :)

Mmmmmm..... Caaaarrrrbbsss.....

So this was possibly the highlight of the holiday (or one of many should I say!). Lunch at the top of the mountain, surrounded by snow, breath taking views, fantastic family around and the sun so warm and bright we were sat outside with a t-shirt on! How crazy is that! Welcome to lunch at Nammos!

Spicy tuna roll was my meal of choice! It was so good too. I found myself eating so much fish this trip. It just tasted so fresh, I didn't want to miss out!

Only in Courchevel right? The cutiest little doggie with the pimpest tracksuit ha ha! It was such a teeny tiny dog too, just hanging around outside Moncler ha ha!

Then, after all that indulgence (there were crepes, croissants and god knows how much other food that I just forgot to take pictures of!) we went to L'Aventure on Saturday night back in 1850. This was such a beautiful restaurant as well. Great music, great company and great food!

The Black Cod looked stunning - should have sneaked a bite ha ha!

I went for the tomato pasta. I know, might be a boring option, but it was so good. Just what I fancied and it tasted so fresh. I'm not one to finish a plate of spaghetti easily, but I polished this off!

Oh and I might have stole some of hubby's too :)

This was the half-cooked tuna.

Oh and a selection of desserts of course! Apple tart, Lemon meringue and chocolate bomb - just a bit more glam ;)

This was filled with a molten chocolate centre... mmmmmm....

Love this menu, but I was totally there to eat ha ha!

Finally on Sunday morning, we went for the most picturesque walk. Not too far, but enough to see some beautiful places.

It's so crazy that you can see snow, you're actually walking on snow but it's so warm you're in a t-shirt. The weather was so beautiful for us too. It was like the perfect week to visit. You can still ski if you want as there is snow, but then it's so warm you can go for these stunning walks too. I'm sorry, but these pictures just don't do it justice!

Final bite to eat before we left on a jet plane! Very simple but delicious Caesar salad in 1650. I asked for it without the Chicken but it was still super filling - I actually think I ate too much ha ha!

I hope you had a lovely week too. Sorry this post is a bit later than usual. I will try and get back on schedule next week!

Thanks so much for reading,

Big love,

Em x


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