LITTLE GEMS: Party, Party oh and Party! The Garden, Grand Pacific, Yo Sushi, The Stockyard, The Mere Golf Club


Happy Sunday everybody! I hope you're well and have had a good week. 
It's been a bit of a weird one for me, not a massive amount going on but then this weekend it's been party party! Anyhoo, here are my pics from the week...

Start as you mean to go on right...? Pancakes on Bank Holiday Monday - Yum!!

These are my fav pancakes. Gluten and dairy free American style pancakes with homemade berry compote. These were delish!

Amazing acai bowl with toppings galore!

Sneaky breakfast with my Mamma at The Garden in Hale

We both went for the Harissa Hash and it was so so good! This has got to be my fav breakfast there!

Avo toast... just because!

Late night dinner for myself this week. Brown rice pasta with mushrooms, peas and artichokes. This was so delicious with a drizzle of truffle oil. It's my new addiction I think... even overtaken my green pesto pasta!

So... this was the second acai bowl of the week post a fab yoga practice :)

Nipped to the TC and got a quick snack at Yo Sushi. I adore their salmon and avocado hand rolls

Erm... so snack number two ha ha! Crispy homemade potato wedges. I think I've managed to get the technique down pretty well now to baking wedges! I will share my recipe very soon with you all 

So, party number one started on Friday night. I had a lovely night out with the girlies for Miss P's birthday at Grand Pacific.

There was eight of us so there was lots of food on the table. I kept trying to get pics of everybody's food (and I think they thought I was nuts too ha ha!). Above are the chicken gyozas and a mini snap of my salad.

Here is the asparagus and crispy egg and also their sushi bowl

Finally, here is my salad. It's the Gado Gado Salad. It was ok, it had a massive amount of sauce on though... to the point it was almost swimming (oh and it was that vinegary I got a blister in my mouth - yeh, not so great!). I've been so looking forwards to trying this place out and I will go back and do a proper post on it. It was so beautifully done though, I will be giving it another try!

Sexy Ladies!

Life is all about 'balance' and this sums it up so well! Fancied a little snack on Saturday as it was so warm and so I had a bit of ice cream. This is probably my fav combination, soya ice cream with frozen raspberries and cacao nibs.

So, party number two was at The Mere Golf club. We went to an amazing charity event for Human Appeal and they also had the comedian Paul Chowdhry there (who was HILARIOUS!). If you ever get chance to see him, I would highly recommend it. Unfortunately they were a bit funny with us taking pictures so I decided to keep my phone away for the night. It was a lot of laughs though!
On Sunday though after work I was invited to one of my gorgeous friends birthday party at Great John Street Hotel Rooftop. We had such a lovely time and the sun was so bright! Here is one of the sexy cakes from the party. I couldn't think of a better place and day to choose. Happy Birthday Rosie :) 

Then, tonight we decided to go and get some dinner at The Stockyard in Hale. I've not eaten here in quite a while and I needed some good, dirty, comfort food ha ha!

We sat downstairs as it was so busy upstairs. I know I've done a post on here before, but I thought I'd take some pics in any case. They had a live singer on too who was really good. 

Chillin' ha ha!

Wowsers! This was massive! We decided to share nachos and a burger (as I can't eat the whole burger to myself!) It was really good, only qualm was that they have changed the nachos so they are smothered in cheese sauce and not melted cheese. Hmmm... it was ok, but I would prefer the melted cheese instead though. Plus a 'halfway to vegan' burger with sweet potato fries! Nom nom nom! 

So how was your week? I hope you had a good one!

I'm off to bed now after all these parties and food but thanks so much for reading!

Big love,

Em x

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