LITTLE GEMS: Jet Lag In The UK! Plus Eating Out at Victors, Fox, Mahabis, Red Chilli, Con Club, Patisserie Valerie and The Garden!

Well, as the title of this posts suggest, I've been rather tired this week. How ridiculous does it sound feeling like you've got jet lag from the hour change, but geez have I suffered! It's literally taken me a whole week to feel like a normal human again - plus copious amounts of caffeine (which is really not at all like me!)
I tried to start as I meant to go on, so on Monday after yoga I treated myself to some 'me time' at The Garden. I adore their breakfast jars and 'I am Well' tonics and I really think that this coupled with my yoga got me through the day! I felt so sluggish after all that cheese as well last week! So, decided to detox from that ha ha! 

Spent all afternoon then doing my accounts (with the help of Puss of course). Why do cats like to sit on your stuff?? Papers, laptop keyboard, tables... the list goes on!

Then, I thought on Monday night I would try a stir fry with cauliflower rice. I've never had this before so I thought I'd give it a whirl. So many people say they can't really tell the difference between this and rice... those people are crazy! ha ha! It was okaaay and I ate it all, doesn't beat a good bowl of rice though. Probably 'healthier', but I will not ben swapping it out in future that's for sure!

Then, there was this little random breakfast. I got a veggie burger out the night before to have for my dinner but never ended up eating it. I didn't want it to go to waste, so I thought I'd give it a go as a breakfast option instead. I grilled the burger and had it with wilted spinach and a poached egg post yoga practice. You know what.... it was actually really nice! Super filling too!

Post yoga brunch with Mamma on Friday at Victors. It felt like I'd not been here in ages so I thought I'd go here for a change. Delicious brunch as always. Mamma had the avocado on toast with poached eggs and I went for the Eggs Royale (smoked salmon on a bagel with eggs and hollandaise). 

I went back to the clinic after this to do some more work and I literally couldn't move I was so full! Needless to say, not much work got done ha ha!

Friday night with hubs! We went for a Chinese meal at Red Chilli on Oxford Road. Probably one of the best places for Chinese food in Manchester. I love the veggie options here so much! You've probably seen this same combination before, but if you haven't there is...

deep fried silken tofu on the left, Malaysian style tung choy vegetables and sweet chilli aubergine and lots of boiled rice - yummy!

Oh, and a big sea bass too. I'm sure this probably freaks most people out, but it's how Chinese eat fish - with the head on. Sorry to anybody who's squeamish - I grew up on this! Food was great as always. We wouldn't normally order this much but we were both starving and for a change, our eyes were not bigger than our bellies!

Lunch on Saturday at The Con Club. Their sushi is just so so good. The rolls are mahoosive and they taste really good! We had the dragon rolls, tuna rolls and salmon rolls too. I would say these are the best three - Dragon rolls being my fav! You must try the sushi here if you haven't yet. I've spoke to so many friends and clients who have been since I recommended it and they all loved it. Go GO GOOOO!!! :)

The dragon rolls - TO DIE FOR!

Yummy Tuna rolls :)

Saturday never seemed to end. After a morning of shopping, then eating, then meetings we decided to keep going and visit Cheshire Oaks! After more shopping hubs needed coffee (and more importantly... cake!) We decided to go to Patisserie Valerie as the cakes always look amazing there. Hate to be a grump, but every time I have their cakes I always think the same thing. They look beautiful... but taste... meh! Bit thick and stodgy. I had the citron tarte (which was thick and stodgy) and hubs had the mille feuille (which was thick and stodgy too!) Is it just me? I think that's my final Patisserie Valerie experience for a while...

After a crazy long day, I decided to cook a nice comforting dish. So, I made this up as I went along! It's kind of like a cottage pie, but just made with veggies inside. It was gooood though! I literally sat and ate it with a fork - No knife needed - That's the key to good comfort food, it can be eaten with a fork or spoon only!

Mega breakfast on Sunday morning. I wouldn't normally have this before work, but for some reason I just fancied it. Veggie sausage and egg roll... Yes, I was stuffed to the brim after this!

Finally, lunch on Sunday was at Fox. We had some garlic bread to start and then... Ooops! I forgot to take pictures if the rest! ha ha! I had the beetroot salad and Mamma had the teriyaki salmon. It was good, looked beautiful too! Soz guys... :)

Here are my caffeine fixes throughout the week. I think I've gone matcha latte crazy! Plus, can you tell I have a special mug for it ha ha!

Second matcha latte!

Oh dear... I caved this morning. Coffee was needed... Look how crazy it makes me - I grow ears and everything! ;)

Oooh, and I wanted to mention these little beauties too. I've seen this Mahabi slippers all over social media and I have been so so tempted to treat myself to a pair for so long. I finally did it and purchased a pair. They are unbelievably comfy and you can attach a sole to them so you can go outside with them on. What an amazing idea! I bought the indigo soles and they are great! I can wear them all day at work and then just nip out for my lunch or to yoga in them - just need to clip the soles on! If you're thinking about buying a pair... go for it! As Tony the Tiger would say... "Theeyyy're Great!"

Final picture for today... I went for a walk this afternoon and saw this blossom! How stunning is this!! Spring is always my fav season, there is nothing prettier than blossom - it makes me so happy!

I hope you guys have had a good week.

Thanks so much for reading,

Big love,

Em x


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