Eating Out at Gupshup Hale, Con Club, Alty Market and Cooking Pasta and Comfort Food!

Hello! Good evening all!

I've been out and about this week to Alty Market, Con Club and Gupshup plus doing a lot of cooking at home too.

I've been back too my usual annoying self and taking pictures of food and stopping people from eating it ha ha!

Here are some pics I wanted to share with you...

See the full menu here

I finally made it to Gupshup! I've been wanting to come here since it opened. We didn't have that much food to be honest, but it was really filling.

Really lovely venue, plus something that looks a bit different for Hale too.

 Jersey Royal potato patty, spiced chickpea ragout, mint & tamarind chutney

left to right:

 Stewed jackfruit, garam masala,

aged basmati rice, fried onion

24 hours slow cooked whole black urad lentil, Kashmiri chilli, ginger


Mint & yogurt marinated stone bass, vanilla beetroot, apricot chutney

The food was really nice and I really liked the aloo tikki. I was excited to try the jackfruit biryani as I am a big fan of the one at Dishoom but this one was different. It had a lot more cardamom and  so I didn't like it as much, but you have to try these things and I'm sure some people would prefer this one. The dahl was good too but the only thing I wasn't a fan of was the roti as they were quite thick and dry (I always love a thin roti!).

We had 2 bottles of sparkling water and some poppadoms to start and it came to around £52 with service. Little bit on the pricey side, but the restaurant is beautiful and I left with a very full belly so I can't complain.

THE CON CLUB - Altrincham (view the menu here)

(above left to right) Edamame beans, Tempura king prawn roll, Spicy soft shell crab roll

I think we've all probably seen sushi at The Con Club before, but I thought I'd share again anyways. We went for a fab dinner for my Dad's birthday and as usual it didn't disappoint. The boys had steak and Mum and I shared some sushi. Delish as always!

THE LITTLE WINDOW - Altrincham Market

(above) Cavolo Nero Pesto Rigatoni

I love pasta at anytime but this... this was so good! I was surprised actually how filling it was as well as the portion was pretty small. I guess it's the same as when you have 4 pieces of ravioli and struggle to finish it!

(above) Gluten Free Penne with homemade basil and truffle dressing, chestnut mushrooms, black olives and peas

Really simple recipe to make. I use a pestle and mortar to smash up some basil leaves, garlic infused olive oil, squeeze of lemon, salt, black pepper and a teeny pinch of sugar.

While my pasta is cooking I fry my mushrooms, olives and peas to warm them through.

When everything is cooked, I combine it all together in a big pan, sprinkle with chilli flakes and stir through some truffle oil. Then serve with a few shavings of parmesan or a vegan alternative.

Finally some comfort food! You know when only a fish sandwich will do. This is super tasty!

The thing that makes this so special is the 'garlicky', mushy peas!

Cook your fish according to packet instructions and fry your frozen peas in a small pan with garlic oil, salt and pepper. Once cooked, use a masher to break them down.

Simply assemble it all together with a layer of tartare sauce on the bottom, lettuce, fish, peas and tomato ketchup.

It was so so good, however it's one of those sandwiches that once you take a bite, you're committed - in the sense that it will fall apart if you put it down ha ha!

Anyways, I'm off to have a peppermint tea to help digest all that food!

Thanks so much for reading,

Em x

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