Hi and welcome to this week's post.
My oh my is it windy out there! I hope you have all stayed safe and kept warm inside away from the craziness of it all.
This week I've not done that much eating out, but I have been cooking a bit, so I thought I'd share what I've been doing with you guys...
Cooking time approx 45 mins to 1 hour
So let's start at the beginning. The other day I decided to buy some puff pastry to use to bake with and then never got round to using it. So, instead of it sitting there getting wasted in the fridge, I decided to make two of these roasted veggie tarts.
Simply get the veggies you want to roast - I chose a lazy bag of vegetables already prepped ready to roast (peppers, courgettes, red onion and tomato) and roasted them in my air fryer with some herbs and spices, garlic and chilli oil till nearly cooked. Then unrolled my pastry and placed on top my roasted veggies (slightly cooled), some olives, artichokes and balsamic glaze.
I then sliced a 'frame' around the edge of my veggies and brushed with beaten egg and popped it in a hot oven for 20 mins or so.
I served it with some roasted sweet potatoes, greens, salad and a dollop of coleslaw
Cooking time around 20-30 minutes depending on rice
Ok, let's be honest and say that this doesn't look that appealing. It does taste amazing though and if you want a quick, tasty dinner, this is always my go to recipe.
Teriyaki sauce gives so much flavour and depth to meals and so it is something I always like to cook with.
Grill your fish with a teriyaki glaze and then fry your beans in chilli oil with some teriyaki sauce and a glug of sweet chilli.
When everything is cooked it's just a case of assembling them. Then any watery liquid left in the pan from the beans, reduce by turning up to high and creating a sticky sauce to eat with the rice.
(top) omelette
(bottom) Smashed avocado with smoked salmon
One of the things I love about being self-employed is that if you get a last minute break, you can escape out when you need to!
I adore Juniper brunches and this as usual did not disappoint! Managed to get some girly time and a tasty treat - happy days!
(top left) Oat Pancake bake
(2 plates) 5 salad mix
This food is some of my all time favourites! The Greenhouse is a little vegetarian cafe tucked away in Altrincham and I swear it is on the list of one of my happy places!
The salads are the best I've ever eaten and then oat pancake is just pure comforting heaven. No words can describe how much I love this food... If you haven't been, then you're missing out!
So at the beginning of January I was lucky enough to be treated to go on a sourdough workshop with One Mile Bakery Hale.
If you didn't hear me gushing about it on social media, it was possibly hands down one of my favourite courses I've ever done (and I've been on a lot!).
I came home and was so excited to start baking. The first week I planned it all out and made my first ever sourdough loaf... honestly? It looked like shit!
Hmmm... well that was disheartening! Week two, I decided to try again, this one looked like a slightly better version of the first one - i.e. still shit!
Then... finally I decided to give it one more try (FYI, if this one didn't work then it was a lifetime of me spending money in Hills Bakery!) and it worked!!
I have never been so proud, in fact I literally danced around the kitchen with joy ha ha! It was perfectly crunchy on the outside and soft and fluffy on the inside. can't wait to share a recipe with you!
(above) Veggie Sunday roast with cauliflower cheese and all the trimmings
In my opinion (and I know everybody has their own) this is the BEST place for Sunday roasts. I could live on a roast dinner every night of the week (in fact I pretty much did growing up!) but after trying pretty much most places in the local area for a roast dinner, Hawksmoor is always my fav.
Where's your favourite place to have a roast dinner?
(above) Salted caramel Rolo's
When you just don't have enough space for dessert, these little chocolates are the perfect end to a meal. Not too sweet and just enough salt to give them that edge.
Well that's pretty much my week of eating!
How was your week? Have you tried any nice places recently or is there somewhere you think I should check out? Comment below or on my latest Instagram post (@foodlifeandem) and let me know.
Have a great week,
Emmaline x
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