Giant Nut Butter and Chocolate Chip Cookies (dairy and gluten free)

I am a cookie monster, there, I said it. I am also not ashamed about how much I love a good cookie too. I have posted one of my favourite vegan cookie recipes already actually here if you want to check that one out too.

For now though, this a new recipe I've been playing with and it's turned out pretty good. These cookies are dairy and gluten free, however, if you wish to substitute normal flour, chocolate and butter you can do as well.

These are big cookies, like bigger than the palm of your hand big. They are also super decadent as well, so definitely get the kettle on with these (or a matcha latte in my case!)


  • 200g coconut sugar
  • 75g dairy free butter
  • 75g coconut oil
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 egg (fridge cold)
  • 1 egg yolk (fridge cold)
  • 150g oat flour
  • 150g buckwheat flour or 300g plain gluten free flour instead of the oat and buckwheat flour
  • 1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 3 tbsp raw cacao powder
  • 150g dairy free dark chocolate chips
  • Nut butter - I like almond butter but any nut butter will do (amount varies depending on the amount you like to use)
  • Preheat the oven to 175 degrees Celsius and line 2 baking trays.
  • Soften the butter and coconut oil together in the microwave for 30 seconds and allow to cool slightly.
  • Put the sugar into a large mixing bowl and add the slightly cooled oils. Beat together well (I like to use a Kitchen Aid or electric whisk).
  • Beat in the vanilla, egg yolk and egg and allow to get nice and creamy in texture.
  • Slowly mix in the flours and bicarb and then fold in the chocolate.
  • Using an ice cream scoop or 1/4 cup measure, fill half the scoop/cup with the cookie mixture and press with a spoon to create a 'well' inside, fill the well with nut butter and then fill the rest of the scoop/cup with cookie mixture. Turn this out onto a baking tray and leave about 8cm between each cookie.
  • Bake for 17 minutes in the oven. I had to do a few batches to get them all made.
  • Allow to cool on the baking sheet for 5 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool.
  • Once cool, transfer to an airtight container and eat within 4-5 days.
I hope you enjoy these cookies, let me know if you've baked them yourself.

Thanks so much for reading,

Em x

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