EATING OUT: San Carlo Fumo | Manchester

Oh how I love Italian food! So so delicious! For me though, my fav type is cicchetti  - San Carlo style!

This is all small plates of delicious, rich Italian food and Fumo in Manchester is perfect for me. It's a bit of a naughty treat really as I am trying to stay off dairy and this is the cheesiest place in town ha ha!

I've been here a few times now and I really like the food. I usually have something like...

  • Pappardelle with porcini & truffle oil
  • Grilled Aubergine with mint and chilli
  • Calamari
  • Roasted Mediteranean Vegetables
  • Sea Bass
  • Roasted Sweet Potatoes
Plus loads more...

There are so many options to choose from, I can forget what I've ordered sometimes! Oh, and the desserts are seriously yummy too!

I can always recommend San Carlo for a nice, Italian meal - especially the cicchetti style of eating.


Thanks for reading. I might be a bit MIA the next few days as I've escaped somewhere on my travels! Will have new posts up soon though!

Emmaline x

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