LITTLE GEMS: Post Hong Kong Blues :(

What an amazing holiday I have just had. I hope you enjoyed my post on my Hong Kong Travels part One :) If you haven't seen it, then you can read it here.

It's all about getting back into the swing of things again and recovering from the jet lag. It's so good to be home though! Look at whats happened to my lime tree whilst I was away!

Come home to find my lime tree is covered in blossom and mini limes :)

Beautiful dishes I bought from HK

 Healthy and tasty breakfast today! Perfect Sunday morning brunch! Homemade gluten, dairy and sugar free pancakes with homemade blueberry sauce.

I made the best combination of pancake toppings today! Banana, almond butter, maple syrup and blueberry sauce - this was HEAVEN!

Post holiday healthy lunch at The Garden, Hale. Great organic food! Just what we needed after an indulgent week of Chinese food. I went for a vegetable chilli sandwich and hubby had a falafel wrap. Yummy!

Missed my little guy so much!

All black everything! ;)

Healing tea this morning. I was missing HK so I made myself some hot, lemon tea.

I hope you all had a good week! Will be posting more from my travels soon

Have a great week

Emmaline x


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