EATING OUT: Piccolinos Alderley Edge

So I know I did a post recently on this place in the city centre, but I also wanted to do one on the restaurant in Alderley too. I have wanted to go here for quite a few months but have never got round to going - plus it's always been fully booked for weeks when I wanted to go.

So, I thought I would come for my birthday meal with my Mamma and we were definitely not disappointed! We got seated in the indoor/outdoor bit which is so lovely. It's super bright but they had the roof closed (it was raining!) but it still felt like we were outside! Amazing!

How gorgeous is it inside though! Love this decor - so beautiful!

I kind of have this thing at the moment where I order just a selection of sides and ask for them on one plate. Yes, I do get a lot of strange looks and an occasional 'eye-rolling' from the waiter, but it's so worth it. The only problem with Italian restaurants is they are not always that vegan friendly (I know I'm not full vegan, but I don't eat dairy or meat so I know I can be kind of difficult!). Plus, there is cheese in EVERYTHING! Yes, it's a good thing if you like cheese, but probs not best for my tummy. Here I ordered the courgette fries, broccoli with garlic and chilli, roast potatoes and roasted Mediterranean vegetables. It was so delicious! Mum went for the Spinaci salad, which is usually really tasty but it was super vinegary this time which was a bit of a shame. We still enjoyed it and mentioned it to the waiter afterwards who then said he would mention it to the chef - eeek! Hate it when that happens ha ha! I would say though that normally it's really tasty, so maybe we just caught them on a bad day perhaps.

Then came the dessert! Like I had in Caffe Grande I decided to have the Crepe Suzette again. It's so yum and I just love the novelty of them cooking it in front of you - well, not cooking but flambe it I guess. Either way, it adds a bit of fun to your meal. I made a video of it but I don't think it will upload properly :( I'm working on it though!

So, overall we had a really fun lunch. They also have some amazing cakes too so couldn't leave without taking a picture for you all.

Yummy! This counter seems to go on and on forever!

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you all have a great weekend and maybe check out one of the new Piccalinos soon. You just can't go wrong with good Italian food!

Emmaline x

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