LITTLE GEMS: Sunday Lovely Sunday!

So how has your weekend been? Have you had a busy one? Mine's been pretty hectic to say the least to be honest.

Had a gorgeous dinner cooked for me by one of my lovely girlfriends on Friday night. I've not had breaded fish in years - this seriously took me back! Such a tasty warm chickpea salad with it too...

Then I made such a tasty big Saturday morning breakfast. I stole this idea from Helmsley & Helmsley a few weeks ago and then just kind of built on it. You basically put everything in an oven proof dish and stick it in the oven for a 20 minutes! Super quick and easy too. 

I started off by putting some chopped mushrooms and tomatoes in the oven dish and baked them for around 10 minutes. I then added my greens (this time I chose kale, spinach and asparagus) and then cracked an egg in a well on top of the spinach for hubby. Then put it back in the oven for around 10 more minutes. Whilst all this was cooking I make one of my sweet potato pancakes and popped some part-baked bread in the oven too. Such a delicious breakfast and was super easy! You really should give it a try!

Then on Saturday night we were invited to the opening of the new Brasserie Blanc in Kuntsford. Such a nice new restaurant, plus I love Knutsford for dinner. Always makes a change to go somewhere different!

The food was quite nice too, service was very good and the staff were very helpful and polite - especially as most of them were still in training.

I went for the vegetable chickpea burgers with smoked aubergine and tomato sauce. It was quite nice but could have been cooked through a bit more. To be fair though, they had just opened so I will give them another chance. Apparently hubby's steak was good though so he was a happy bunny!

Got the cutest little sweeties too from one of my lovely clients as a belated birthday pressie - actually quite excited to tuck into these ha ha! I usually try and be good and avoid sugar but these little beauties look so cute I can't resist ha ha!

Plus, I can't go through a week without taking a pic of my cat. I think I'm a bit obsessed! I love him so much though and as this one is especially cute, I thought I'd share because, well why not!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend break! Watch out for my 'Meatless Monday' recipe tomorrow to give you some inspiration during the week.

Hope you have a great one and thank you so much for reading

Emmaline x


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