EATING OUT: Burnt Truffle, Chester

Last week I had the pleasure of eating out in a gorgeous restaurant that I had not been to before. I'd always heard such good things about this place I was so excited to try it - it certainly did not let us down either! So, off we went in the car to Gary Usher's restaurant Burnt Truffle in Chester - let's just say it was so nice we're going back to Chester soon to check out the other one - Sticky Walnut!

We got a really cute spot in the corner upstairs to sit at. Such a nice place with a friendly environment. The staff were so happy and helpful with the menus - really good service!

Super tasty sourdough bread to start...

Then, for starter I had the Tuna Tartare and hubby had a fresh mint salad with paneer - we kind of shared though and swapped half way through. Presentation was beautiful and it tasted fab!

The menu

For mains, hubby had the duck breast (cooked perfectly may I add) and I had the blackened cod. This is always a fav of mine so I was so excited to see it on the menu. The broth it was in was so light but flavoursome too!


Then, check out these desserts! Hubby had the Creme brûlée and I had a selection of sorbets. The staff were so helpful to me. I try and steer clear from too much 'creamy' types of dairy - ice cream especially, so they made a plate of sorbets up for me to eat which were dairy free! 

Here there was a lemon meringue, popcorn sorbet (yes I know but tasted great!), lemon sorbet and mango sorbet! I ate the micro herbs with it too which tasted so fresh and zingy! Seriously one of the best sorbets ever!

Such a fun night, always nice to spend time with my best friend :) and when the food is this good I really can't complain. Yes, Chester is a bit of a ride for us (took around 45 minutes) but it was so worth the drive! Really can't wait for Hispi to open up in Didsbury! Watch this space...

Thanks so much for reading!

Emmaline x


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