LITTLE GEMS: Rich food weekend... Bring on the curry and cheese! Eating out at Gusto, San Carlo, The Greenhouse and The Garden

Hello! Welcome back! How are you? What was your 'good week' this week? Anything exciting happen?
I feel like my last couple of blogs have not been too exciting I'm afraid. I've been snowed under with work and having to help my Mum who's just had a minor op, so going out to eat hasn't been as easy. Don't worry though, I've of course managed to fit it in though somehow ha ha! 
I started off the week as I meant to go on, with a delicious protein smoothie :) using a frozen banana, forzen berries, 1/4 cup oats, water and some chocolate protein powder...

Then, obviously I had to have an avo toast at some point!

I got some sea bass for a change which I had a couple of nights on the run. This fist one was grilled with teriyaki vegetables and it was so so delicious!

First acai bowl of the week...

Now, I don't normally take pics of my lunches because they are usually always the same. Soup from The Garden, but this day I fancied a change. This is their vegan version of a BLT - but they call it a TLT using tempeh instead of bacon. It was actually really really good! Always nice to have a change now and again :)

Second version of the sea bass was with some noodles as well and I did a sweet chilli sauce on the fish! I am trying to eat a little less fish if I can (clearly not this week mind!), but I find it so quick to cook. Sea bass, especially as it's so thin, takes literally a few mins under the grill and dinner is served. Super quick if you fancy a hearty meal at high speed!

Post yoga acai bowl. I just love these so much. They actually become rather addictive!

Trying very hard to drink more water on my days off. I find I'm pretty good during the week, but as soon as the weekend comes I just fall out of the habit and by Monday I'm dehydrated. So, this was my idea, take a bottle of water with me when I'm out. Here I've added lots of fresh mint and some lemon slices too. This is so fresh and zingy, lovely if you fancy something different in your water!

Quick post yoga breakfast for one at The Garden. I love these breakfast jars and with an 'I am well' tonic I can't ask for more!

Then I treated myself to The Greenhouse for lunch on Friday. I always have the mixed salad when I'm by myself, but for some reason I fancied the Oat Pancakes. They sound gross but they are so so good I can't explain! Yuuuummmyyy!!

Friday night I went with hubs at Gusto on Deansgate. I've not been here in so long and so he thought he would take me for a change.

This venue is really stunning. So much so I was going to do an 'eating out' post on it, but I'm sure you've tried Gusto before right?? Dinner was nice. We try to order lots of dishes when we eat out now so we can try plenty of things.

It was all pretty nice, but the only disappointment was the aubergine. On the menu it said 'baked aubergine' so we presumed it would be in some kind of tomato style sauce... yeah, not so much! It came deep fried in a batter, no flavour, seasoning or sauce. We very rarely complain or leave food but this was really dull. The manager was very willing to change it for something else, but in true 'Brit' style, I was like "no no, it's fine!" when really I should have swapped it, Hey ho, just won't be ordering it again anyways! 

Calamari and creamed spinach

Deep fried cheese and also the truffle fries

Prawn and garlic tagliatelle (this was good!)

The dreaded aubergine!

Anyways, it was fine. We had a lovely night and left with a full belly! Happy days!

Saturday I had to nip into town with hubs, so we went for lunch at San Carlo in Selfridges (the downstairs one!) I always have the same here, it's the Mediterranean veg with mozzarella and sweet potato fries! Delish! 

Just a bit too much cheese for me though ha ha! Not used to this much in one hit!

Saturday night was sooo lovely. We had my parents over for dinner and hubs organised some tasty food. We got some takeaway from a place in town which does all 'home-cooked' style foods. So we got some starters (meat for the boys and veggies for me and Ma). Hubs then made a samosa chaat which was heaven! I adore street food. This was perfect!

Erm... then I forgot to take pics of the curries ha ha! Must have been too hungry! We had okra, chickpea curry and lentil dahl though. The food was actually really tasty, just like home cooking. We probably could have pulled it off as our own!

Then Sunday breakfast was some of my fav pancakes. These are dairy and gluten free. I love to stack mine with coconut yoghurt, fruit, almond butter and maple syrup. Sooooo gooood!!

We've then spent the day with family and running errands. Plus we had so much food left over from last night I've just been munching away on that all night!

I hope your week was good, I'm off now to munch some more on some okra I think... ok gotta run, food is calling :)

Thanks so much for reading,

Big love,

Em x

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