LITTLE GEMS: London Break

Oh what a fabulous Bank Holiday Weekend I had. It was my hubby's birthday and so we decided to 'up sticks' for a few nights and went to the Big Smoke.

What did we do all weekend? We ate. We ate and ate and ate some more - plus got a spot of shopping in too which is always nice.

How awesome is this!

What did you do for your bank holiday? What was the weather like? We were so lucky to have pretty much glorious sunshine every day! Even on Monday, the skies dulled a little but it was still nice and warm.
So, I will be sharing all of my 'Eating Out' and Travel pics soon, but just wanted to check in and say a quick hello. I also wanted to post some great pictures I took of some amazing buildings.

We visited the National Art Gallery too whilst we were there which was amazing. I love looking at these old paintings that have so much character. I can stand there for ages just looking at them. You can almost feel what it was like back then, I just find it fascinating, I really do!

The building for the National Art Gallery is so so beautiful, itself is like a piece of art too. I love the beautiful designs on the ceilings and the super height of them too.

I also discovered this beautiful chocolate shop that sells vegan chocolate! Oh my god it was so beautiful! It was called Carpo (I'm sure all you Londoners would have heard of it already, but I've never seen it before). They gave us different pieces of dried fruits to try and they were delicious! Must go back to London just to shop here again ha ha!

We also visited Harrods and did a little shopping in their food hall. Their cakes looked fantastic, but sadly we couldn't buy any as we were travelling back (plus I'm sure they were all stuffed with cream so I don't think my tummy would be too happy with that!)

Yummy Salads


Beautiful Food Hall

Tea Boutique

Amazing Coffee!

We did however, but some lovely herbals teas and coffees. The sales assistant was just so helpful and allowed us to smell all the different types of coffees - he was also so knowledgeable about them all. I'm really not a coffee person, but they did smell much nicer than your usual pot of coffee at home. Hubby said they tasted good too, I'm sure they did but coffee is coffee to me ha ha! I literally have a coffee no more than 3 or 4 times a year and anybody who has been around me will know I go loopy on the stuff! :)

We did a spot of shopping in Selfridges too (obviously would be rude not to!) and had a quick mooch around Liberty too. This must be THE most stunning department store in the UK. It is so perfectly designed and branded that you just want to buy something just to buy something!

We also popped into another mini department store - the name has completely slipped my mind but it was right next to Liberty. This was so cool, the vibe was very simple and clean designs. They also displayed their products so beautifully - Love this boutique style of shopping, it just makes everything feel so glam. How cute are their displays! I will post food pics up very soon.

I hope you all had a great weekend and have a good one this weekend too!

Thanks so much for reading

Emmaline x

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