EATING OUT: Sugo Pasta Kitchen | Altrincham

So, I was BEYOND excited to finally get a table here! Every time I tried it was fully booked and so I decided to be organised and book in advance. 
I've not taken a lot of pictures, mainly as this place is so petite, but you get the idea I hope. It's super cute, warm environment and the staff are amazing. I've never been anywhere where the staff are so helpful and friendly. They made such an effort with us and were so knowledgeable. I love this about Sugo!

I also love how the menu changes each month. I know it can be annoying if you want to go back for the same thing and can't, but there are a million restaurants out there where you can do that. Why not have a change... for a change ha ha!

The options for me were quite limited as I don't eat meat. Saying that, there was a veggie starter option and also a veggie pasta so it was still fine. Besides, I do still eat a little fish so there were enough dishes for me to try. We decided on the following plates...

We thought it would be a good idea to order a few dishes to share and I'm so glad we did. The flavours were incredible and I can totally understand why this is one of the best places to eat in Alty. However, as amazing as these dishes were, I don't think I could have finished a whole pasta dish to myself. This worked perfectly for us though and so maybe try something similar yourselves if you fancy. I think it's the Chinese in me, I can't help but share plates! ha ha!

Tomato and Mozzarella Salad with wild broccoli 
(please don't quote me on the names of the dishes though!)

This was the aubergine pasta 
(the veggie option)

Stuffed squid with fennel and mussels 
With some bread for dipping

Ok, so for me the food was amazing! I won't lie, it was quite rich but in an oh so bloody good way! Any complaints? If I was going to be really 'nit picky', the apple juice hubs ordered was £3.50 for a thimble full. It was organic though so I can understand why it was on the pricier side. We didn't have any alcohol (just water) and I think the bill came to around £35-40. The food was really really good though. I would definitely recommend it if you're a pasta fan - and if not, just go and order a load of starters and sides. I think I'm getting ready to plan my next trip already!

I can't explain how amazing it is to have Altrincham market and all these other little artisan restaurants on our doorstep. The fact Alty has been a ghost town for a good 10 or so years, it's amazing to see it alive again. Not just with corporate, commercial eateries either. If you don't venture to this part of town I would seriously recommend it. The market is just amazing and places like this pasta kitchen, Porta and the Con Club are just the cherry on top!

Thanks so much for reading and have a fab weekend!

Big love,

Em x

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