LITTLE GEMS: It all starts with a Bank Holiday

It's always a good start to the week when it begins with a Bank Holiday! This week was one of those weeks and so it was nice to start with a chilled day off.
Although we didn't really do that much, we did manage to get out and get some food. We met some friends and went to Altrincham Market. 

I had the marinated tofu bowl from Wolfhouse Kitchen and hubs went for the Korean Chicken burger. He said his was really good and mine was super tasty! Yum yum yum! Can't beat Alty Market for good food.

Then I kind of had a similar thing for dinner that night. I made vegetable gyozas with rice and chinese vegetables. This is always a super quick and easy dinner, but always tastes great!

I love home cooking the best I think, everything always tastes so fresh when you make it yourself :)

I made a super tasty avocado toast too this week. Well, it wasn't toast but flat bread. I have these seeded flatbreads that I buy from Sainsbury's and keep in the freezer. I thought I would try this for a change and it was really good. The flatbread when toasted went quite crunchy and gave it another dimension. Always tastes great too with a little bit of chilli sauce!

Was craving some serious junk food on Friday night so we went to Five Guys. Not eaten here in ages, but I kind of fancied some type of 'dirty burger'. So, I guess mine wasn't that 'dirty' as I had the veggie sandwich, but it was still yum plus the cajun fries are to die for! It's all about balance people! A little bit of what you fancy does you good!! ;)

Then, Saturday morning we had a super tasty pancake breakfast. They are so delicious and don't really take that long to make. I've realised if I have two pans on the go it's much quicker!

So, I also kind of did an experiment too. I didn't have any Coyo Yoghurt in and so decided to try to make some cashew cream instead. What a success :)

I soaked the cashews overnight and then the next morning blitzed them in my Vitamix. I added some maple syrup, vanilla extract and almond milk. I couldn't believe how delicious this was with the pancakes! Definitely will be doing this again!

Then, Saturday night I was spoilt rotten! For my birthday in June, my hubby bought me tickets to see Amy Schumer in Manchester (love a bit of filth ha ha!) and so before we went I was treated to dinner at the new Menagerie restaurant. I've wanted to try this place for quite some time and so was super excited to go. It was such a cool place and I will be putting up a blog post up next week on eating here. We had so much food, lots of little 'tapas' style plates, just how I like it :)

Oh and we had the best seats too! Amy was so so funny, my face ached by the time she had finished from laughing ha ha!

Delicious bit of porridge for Sunday breakfast - added a big scoop of the cashew cream from Saturday morning into it which made it super creamy! Delicious!

Finally, we went for Sunday lunch to George's restaurant in Worsley. I have to admit, I had been working all day today and didn't get anything to eat for lunch so by the time my food arrived (after a very loooong wait!) I just wolfed it down! So, sorry I forgot to take pics! We had a Sunday roast though, hubs went for the beef and I had a roast with a Vegetable Kiev. The kiev was really tasty but had these huge chunks of tomato in with their skins on. So, I had to pick them all out, it was easy enough but I just couldn't understand why they were so big. We had dessert though which was a raspberry and lemon tart plus a sticky toffee pudding. They were both really good, sticky toffee is always a fav of mine but it's almost like a meal in itself!

How was your week? Did you have a nice break this weekend?

Thanks so much for reading,

Emmaline x

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