EATING OUT: Porta Tapas Restaurant | Altrincham

So yep, I think I've found it! My new little hot spot! This place is amazing! Ok, well maybe not amazing amazing, but I seriously like it... A LOT! (yeh... let's go with amazing! ha ha!)

I have been dying to try this place for ages, but every time I've gone past it looks waaay too busy or it's closed. I've heard such good things about this little restaurant, I couldn't wait to get in there!

Let me take you back to last Saturday, no major plans, fancied going somewhere different for lunch and didn't want to travel too far. I adore Altrincham Market, but Saturday it's rammed! As in 'fighting for a table' rammed and then waiting 40 minutes for food - rammed! Eugh! I just can't be bothered with it all, I love going on a weekday night when it's a tad quieter. Anyway, as usual, I digress...
This was the perfect opportunity, it was around 2pm and everywhere had calmed down a bit and so we thought we would check it out. 

First things first with this place, there are no reservations... period! It even says it on their business card too! We walked in and managed to get the last table right away which was really lucky. The staff were really friendly and the place was still packed and had a nice vibe. Loved the decor, really simple and homely. Everybody was super chilled out and the food that was going around looked soooo good!

Plus loving the colour theme! Something about this petrol blue I just can't get enough of!

I ordered an earl grey tea (new addiction in life - thanks Miri!) which came in this gorgeous little teapot - I know, I know, but it's the simple things I like!

I love this pic - it's like 'if looks could kill' kinda thing ha ha! Yes, I am that weirdo that walks around a restaurant like a tourist with a giant camera in my hands. It's so embarrassing, but if I didn't do it I wouldn't have anything to show right! ha ha! To this gentleman though, I'm sorry I pointed my camera in your face! 

Let's get down to business anyways, the food! We ordered quite a bit to eat (as per usual) but there were so many options, I wanted them all! Above here is their green olives which tasted kind of different to normal. I think it was the lemon juice maybe? I dunno, the texture was amazing though and we also had the tortilla. FYI this comes cold but still tasted fab.

Then grilled tiger prawns - again amazing!

Calamari - yep, fab too! (Can't really go wrong with this though!)

Patatas Bravas - to DIE for!

Padron peppers - delicious (albeit rather salty!)

Finally, the broccoli which was chargrilled with spicy almonds and I think had like a fennel sauce. Again amazing!

So, yeh... we killed it! I was so impressed with this place, the menu wasn't huge but everything we had we really enjoyed. Any complaints?? Hmmm... no, not really. I guess some things we had were quite salty, but that doesn't phase me too much. Plus they weren't over-seasoned, just probably what we chose had extra salt on them. 
Listen, if you like tapas then you have got to try this place. It was really chilled, no booking needed so you can just rock up for a table and wear your comfies! I seriously think this is so nice when you can just go and enjoy the food. I'm no pro in tapas I know, but everything tasted so fresh and considering we had quite a few dishes the bill only came to £36. Drinks wise we only had one earl grey and a bottle of water, but still, for the quality of the food I was happy!
So next time you fancy trying something different, before going to the market why not see if this place has a table. Check it out, it's opposite the market, next door to the Con Club.

Thanks so much for reading

Big Love,

Em x

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