EATING OUT: Evelyn's Cafe Bar

I have wanted to come back to this place for so long! We've been so busy with work and visiting family I've not really managed to get back to town in such a long time.

Evelyn's Cafe Bar is such a cool little restaurant in the Northern Quarter in Manchester. It's been open for quite a few months now and I just love the food in there. It's quite contemporary cuisine, but also feels super healthy too. They sell cool salads and sandwiches, plus also some really nice hot food as well. We decided to venture into town today and so thought we would bob back in to Evelyn's. As I expected, I was not disappointed!

Its such a cute little venue. You don't really feel like you're in the Northern Quarter either. I love all the plants inside and the whole style of the place.

We had the homemade lemonade. The fresh mint and ginger and also the elderflower. Both were super delicious! Pretty big too - always a bonus!

I decided to go for the vegan option which was crispy tofu with cauliflower, spinach, courgettes and lentils which was super delicious. Hubby decided to have the veggie burger and chips and he really enjoyed it too.

How yummy does this look!

Last time we came this is what we had...

Homemade lemonade

Last time we had a big selection of food too. Aubergine, avocado, chicken (for hubs) and also the veggie burger. It was soo tasty! :)

 One tasty looking burger!

All gone!

I seriously recommend the food here! The staff are so friendly and the place is so nice. Go check it out!! :)

Thanks so much for reading

Emmaline x

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