LITTLE GEMS: Hispi - Could this be my favourite meal EVER!?!?!

Another busy week it's been! I've been doing a bit of cooking too, maybe even a little more than usual! I'm really trying to get back into my cooking again. I used to spend hours in the kitchen on my days off and even sometimes before work in the morning I would whip up a batch of granola. I feel though that in the last 12 months I've not done as much, so I'm going to work on that! I miss it!

So, I had a mini breakthrough this week! I fancied some comfort food and couldn't decide what I wanted, then it came to me! Bangers and mash! Now I have discovered the most delicious veggie sausages (incase you're interested, they are the cauldron ones from the supermarket). So, I decided to make it, it's been years since I had bangers and mash and this really did not disappoint! I made a mushroom and onion gravy to go with it and it was DELICIOUS! Nom nom nom he he!

Breakfast in the week was leftover mushrooms and some sourdough with a poached egg. Our local Booths has the tastiest sourdough and although I don't have it often, it's a definite treat when I do.

Heartbroken this week as The Garden has been closed to have some building work done, so I've been venturing out into Hale to try new places for lunch. I had the biggest 'Belly Dancer' sandwich from Gastronomy on Monday (for those curious, it's a falafel salad sandwich with sweet chilli - and it's divine!) Above, I went to Succo and had their soup and salad offer too.

Quick meeting on Friday morning after yoga. I was so hungry I treated myself to a croissant at Carluccios. Not something I would normally have, but it was the only option that suited me (bar all the butter in them ha ha)

Classic cat photo of the week. My gorgeous little ball of fluff!

Ok, ok, this is the big bit now! Friday night we went out for dinner to the new Hispi restaurant in Didsbury (designed and built by my hubby may I add!) and oh my gosh! I know I can be a bit of a picky bugger sometimes with food but I could not fault this place. The food was INCREDIBLE! And for the record, I virtually never say that! We went for the full three courses (I would recommend this as they are not huge portions). I had the cured fish to start and hubs had the crispy lamb. 

The fish was cured in gin and then it was served with pink grapefruit too and radish. So light and refreshing - so yummy!

For mains, hubs went for the slow cooked beef and I had the roasted cauliflower and butterbean mash with asparagus. 

Firstly, I love bowl food. It just makes your food always feel more comforting. I can't explain how tasty this was. There was so much flavour, crunchy texture and smoothness. The bean mash was perfect and the toasted almonds added extra texture.

I know it's not the most beautiful plate of food but it was amazing

A vegan dessert too! I couldn't believe how excited I was for this. I asked if they did a dessert without dairy and they said they did. This is smoked pineapple, toasted coconut and (I think) passionfruit sorbet. This worked together so well. The pineapple was warm and sweet, it almost melted in my mouth and it was spicy too. Wow! I have never had pineapple so good in my life!

Hubs had the chocolate pudding which he said was seriously delicious too! You all must try this place, I can't tell you how good the food was. My all time fav restaurant in Manchester (fine dining wise) is always Manchester House, but this may have beat it. You just have got to try it out, I'm not joking! It was awesome!

Saturday morning was a yummy brunch with the family in Victors. Perfect place for brunch too!

They have so many choices! Avo toast, pancakes, eggs or fruit (plus lots more options)

I opted for the Eggs Royale. I do love this and it was cooked perfectly! EGGceptional actually ;o) ha ha!

So Saturday night I cooked a big roast dinner for my family. I think everybody was so hungry (especially me!) we just ate! So, I apologise for not taking pics, but I'm sure you can imagine what a roast dinner looks like! So this morning I had some of the leftovers for breakfast. I had some of the sourdough bread toasted and fried some mushrooms with the leftover roasted potatoes and squash. I added some harrissa spices and a poached egg too. It was really good and kept me full for ages! Had a few eggs this week so I think I will be chilling it out next week! I try not to eat eggs often but this week has been an EGGception! ha ha!

Went for a lovely evening walk too tonight, look at the colour of these leave though! Gorgeous!

Then, whilst I say and did some work, hubs cooked me dinner! He made fish with Channa Chaat - yum!

Grateful for a hubby that can cook!

How was your week? I hope it was a good one! Got so much in the pipeline for next week, excited to get some work done. I will tell all when it's all ready!

Have a great week and thanks so much for reading,

Em x

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