EATING OUT: Dim Sum Style!

Hello! So today I wanted to just do a quick post about one of my fav styles of food... Dim Sum! I know I am probably a little biased being Chinese and all, but this is true comfort food to me. I love the fact it's so easy to eat, you get so many flavours that compliment each other so well and you get a full belly afterwards too! Oh, and depending on where you go, it's not really that expensive either!

Last weekend I went to one of the best places in Manchester (in my opinion) for dim sum - Glamorous Chinese Restaurant. I love it here. To me it feels like a combination of my childhood and Hong Kong combined. It's loud, busy and full of Chinese people - I LOVE IT!

So, since cutting out meat, I wasn't sure if I could still easily go for dim sum, but of course I can. There are so many seafood options and also quite a few veggie ones too. When we go, we tend to order pretty much the same things (give or take and also depending on who we're with). In fact, we've pretty much ordered the same food since I was a child and so when I go out myself with hubs, I still order that food now. Don't forget, when you go out to eat Chinese food it's there to be shared like tapas, plus Dim Sum is usually something you would order at lunchtime not on an evening. Order enough food with lots of different flavours (including the odd sweet portion as well) and then you're good to go. If you want to order a main dish too that's fine. We tend to do that when there's more people (as in with my family). Something like a big rice dish or rice noodles just to fill you up more. You do what you feel though! Here is a regular dim sum meal for two - Emmaline comfort food stylee! :)

Custard dumplings - don't think runny custard, this is Chinese style custard so much thicker and sweeter.

Mooli/Chinese Carrot parcels in flaky pastry (my fav!!)

Deep fried doughnut rice roll (this is savoury) and baby squid in satay sauce 

Deep fried squid with sweet and sour sauce 

Baby Squid with Satay Sauce

Steamed Prawn Dumplings (Har Gau)

I don't know if it looks like a lot of food or not to you, but I was soooo full afterwards! The mooli and the custard buns are super filling. Plus when you're drinking the amount of Chinese tea like we do, you get full pretty fast! If you've never been for Dim Sum I really recommend it. It's great if there are quite a few of you as well so you can order lots of different dishes. I actually think I'm getting hungry just typing this post! ha ha! Remember this is super chilled food. No need to dress up and usually the table becomes an absolute disgrace! The messier the better!

If you fancy going to Glamorous, it's above the Wing Yip Supermarket in Manchester on Oldham Road. The other restaurant which I love is Ocean Treasure in Middleton. The food there is superb, but it's just a bit further out for me, plus when I'm hungry too.... yeh let's not go there ha ha!

Weekends are usually the busiest, with Sunday lunchtime being pretty crazy! As in, stand in a queue, get a number and listen out for them to shout it in Chinese! It's worth learning Chinese numbers just for this meal alone ha ha!

I hope you give it a go and try something different. Want something healthier? Maybe go for all the steamed dishes. Either way, it's a great, chilled way to get some comfort food in your belly!

Thanks so much for reading,

Until next time...

Em x


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