LITTLE GEMS: The two loves of my life - Shopping & Eating! Cote, Indian Tiffin Room, The Garden & San Carlo (Twice!)

Hello! Welcome back! It's been a non-stop week this week. I've been doing workshops, training, eating out, cooking and all sorts! 
Feeling very tired though now, actually looking forwards to an early night! Hope you're well and had a good week! Have got a few pics this week so lets get going...

Because a week just can't go by without some avo toast!

The Garden's soup! Can not have anything else to eat for lunch during the week... EVER! :)

I had a sudden hunger pang the other day in the afternoon and I had a weeny gap so had this salad from M & S (we've just had one open around the corner and I swear it's dangerous! ha ha!)

I'm sure it's meant to be a side salad, but it was just a salad to me ha ha! So yummy too!

Tasty dinner one night. Yes it looks gross but was actually really good! It was a mushroom burger from Sainsburys. I grilled it and had it with hummus, spinach and avocado in a wrap. Will definitely be doing this again!

Protein smoothie for breakfast! Super Elixir Cacao protein with some spinach, chia seeds, banana and oats.

Fancied a light dinner on Wednesday so just had a snack of veggies with some hummus

Managed to sneak out for lunch with the lovely Laura to The Garden. We were both sooo hungry but I think this filled the spot perfectly! Here's an 'I am glowing' for Laura and (I think) an 'Energise' for me :)

These were life changing!! Laura had the bean burger without the bun and I had the cauliflower tacos. I can't explain how tasty these were! I know I was starving and you could have thrown a cracker at me and I would have said it was amazing! They tasted so good and I was so full! You MUST try these before the end of the month as they are a special only. Please put them on the menu guys! 


Friday morning after yoga, I fancied getting some brunch with my Mamma. I have wanted to try the new Cote restaurant in hale for quite some time. The main problem is that the veggie options are really limited and so I thought this would be a better way to check it out. We both had the veggie breakfast and it was really nice. I was actually pleasantly surprised actually. It would probably be much better on an evening as it was a bit quiet when we went. Can't complain though, was just simple food (sorry, not a patch on The Garden's breakfast though)

Cote Brasserie

Friday night this week we did a Facial Yoga event at InHale Yoga studio. I was so excited about this but I couldn't decide what to eat beforehand. I ended up with this around 5pm. It was so good! I know it looks a bit random, what can I say, it's the Chinese in me! Japanese ramen noodles with teriyaki cabbage and celery. Yeh, this is proper comfort food for me, probs a bit weird for everybody else ha ha!

Our fabulous ladies (and gent) at our Facial Yoga event! I've just realised we were one missing on this pic! Gemma, where are you? This was post yoga and facial and we were having some late night snacks and drinky poo's for all our guests!

Discovered these tasty chocolate treats from my Primal snack box this week. I absolutely love this type of box - where you get a surprise each time! I will be doing a quick post on this box soon so keep your eye out if you like you healthy snacks!

Saturday was a girlie day out with Mamma shopping! We literally spent the whole time in Selfridges and Harvey Nichols! We firstly had lunch in San Carlo (downstairs). I had the veggie sandwich (my fav always) and Mamma went for the Butternut Squash soup. Both were yum!

Plus I can't live without sweet potato fries! I just adore them!

Afternoon snack in San Carlo (upstairs). I had a 'Virgin Passion' mocktail and Mamma had a latte and some Tiramisu. This was like fluff it was so light! I had literally a tiny spoon because of the dairy, but it was so lovely! Mother quite happily polished off the rest! Ha ha!

Shop shop shopping!!

Super excited with my little purchase (for those curious, I treated myself to a little pair of trainers!)

Super excited to try this restaurant out - Indian Tiffin Room on First Street in Manchester. Will be doing a post on this place next week. We had sooo much food, probably enough for 3 people if not 4! Plus I got to see my lovely clients too who were dining in there. Hope you enjoyed your meal Michelle and Zoe :) xx

Tasty dahl and a dosa

Sunday morning breakfast - after all that spicy food I decided the simpler the food the better! 2 poached eggs on toast. You can't beat simple foods sometimes.

Still addicted to these matcha lattes with rice milk. I've not really had rice milk since I was a kid and I never really liked it. I thought I would try it in my matcha lattes and it just went so so well. It's now my new fav thing!

Like I said, it was a busy week with lots going on. I hope you had a lovely time!

Thanks so much for reading,

Big love,

Em x

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