EATING OUT: Indian Tiffin Room | First Street, Manchester

Hello! Welcome Back!

I wanted to do a quick 'Eating Out' post on The Indian Tiffin Room on First Street in Manchester that we ventured out to last week. I've been super excited to check this place out for so long now and we finally made it there! It was so busy when we arrived and we had a little bit of a weird table unfortunately - you know, when you're just kind of in the way, but it was cool. We were near the kitchen and so the food gets to you quicker right?? ha ha!

I firstly want to say how cute this place is. I loved the decor, it was a bit wacky and out there. Plenty of atmosphere and lots of fun. Plus all the images on the wall were great too. Sorry if my pics are not so great, it was so busy and people just stare at me when I start taking them! It's so cringe!

Such great images and graphics! Plus check out this random light fitting too!

Let's get on to the good stuff... the food! I've put an image of the menu below, but if you can't see it clearly (it was quite dark), I've put the link to it here.

I can't believe they do a rose and lychee mocktail! It was like all my prayers had been answered ha ha! This was amazing - if you like rose and lychee that is of course! This was called a 'Nimbu Lychee' - Yum!!

We had a slightly disappointing start unfortunately :( The puri pastries were old and soft. I was so gutted as I could eat these till the cows come home. We sent them back in the end and the manager kindly gave us another portion - which were exactly the same. Flavours were good though, but non-crisp gol gappe doesn't go down well in my book!

This was the Grazing Platter Taster of bhel puri, dahi puri and sev puri (soft gol gappes again though)

Home Made Samosa 
Authentic Punjabi style served with tamarind and mint chutney 

Bhindi Fries
Wow! These were so so good! I love these anywhere and they were so crispy but not too spicy either! 

ITR Mysore Masala Dosa 
Thin rice and lentil crepe with ITR chutney and potato masala filling

I'm not massively experienced with dosas, but this tasted really good. It was much tastier than the one from Bundobust too. Super thin and light and then filled with potato inside.

Tadka Dal - can you go that wrong with dahl? Not really I don't think. Yup, this was nice too! :) 

Yummy, thin naan bread - just how I like them

Whole Crispy White Bait
Deep fried, with a light coating of flour and ITR spices

Yes this was RANDOM! I've not had white bait since I was about 11 and I wasn't really a fan of it then either. Hubs wanted to try it as he'd not had it before. If you like white bait then this is probably for you. Too fishy for my liking and the whole 'biting heads off' doesn't go down well with my dinner.

Overall we had a nice meal. The menu was so vast though we couldn't decide what to eat. I think we would definitely go back again just to try other dishes. It was Saturday night though and it was mad busy. We did go at peak time! I think we might go a little earlier or one night in the week next time so it's not as mad. For all the food we had, a large bottle of water and my 'soft tail' it came to around £40-45. Quite impressive as we had a lot to eat as well.
I do love me a bit of Indian street food. It's so tasty, has lots of flavour to it and texture as well. This place was great. It was buzzing with atmosphere, the staff were very friendly and the food was actually really good. I will be going back to try more... but I have to say Mughli still has my heart though! Them boys have got it just right!

I would love to hear what you guys thought. Have you been? What do you suggest I try next time?

Thanks so much for reading,

Big love,

Em x

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