LITTLE GEMS: It's all about comfort! Hispi, The Garden, Dunham Massey, Oh Mei Dumpling and Byron Burgers!

Hello! Welcome back to my Little Gems for the week. I hope you've had a good week. I have actually managed to get some work done this week - and also managed to eat a lot as well ha ha! Here are my foodie adventures for you to have a nosey at...

It had to be in there! Good old avocado toast, added a poached egg and some chilli sauce for a change. Can't live without this in the week!

I was working from home on Monday so cooked myself a nice big lunch. Here we have Japanese Ramen noodles with some veggie dumplings (keep reading to see how I have upgraded these he he!)

I made a big roast dinner on Monday night for the family. I found it so weird cooking chicken! Not done it since Christmas, but Dad was happy with some meat on his plate. Mamma and I just ate all the 'trimmings' just how we like it :)

Leftovers don't always have to be boring! I made some pasta with the leftover veggies from my roast dinner. Stir fried them together in a pan with some truffle oil and I added some mushrooms and peas. This was really tasty and filling - maybe even a bit too filling!

Friday morning after my yoga practice I went to The Garden and met my Mamma for brunch. I adore the brunches here. Above are their hot tonics which do wonders for you! I always feel so healthy when I eat here!

The BEST brunch dish - Harissa Hash with Eggs and Avocado

Delicious home cooked lasagne on Friday. I made a huge dish which has lasted us a few days. I use lentils instead of minced meat and I really like it - I don't even notice the difference either!

Massive plate of comfort food - and you know how much I LOVE comfort food too! Happy days!

Saturday lunch I nipped to Cheadle Makers Market to collect some 'dumpling upgrades'. I've never been here before and I was pleasantly surprised! It was such a lovely sunny day which made it all the nicer! I got some dumplings to munch on from Oh Mei Dumpling and wandered round checking out all the stalls. I was a little distracted though as the dumplings were so bloody good ha ha! Couldn't tell you what else was there!


Hubs wanted to come too but he had meetings so when I got home I cooked him up a batch. I swear these are the BEST dumplings ever! You must try them seriously. Mei is so kind and makes me vegan dumplings with flax and chia seeds in them. The dumplings I have are made with lilly flowers, woodear and mung bean vermicelli. If you're interested search for 'ohmeidumpling' on instagram and place an order before she disappears off on maternity! I swear hubs and I eat these and think we're Kung Fu Panda ha ha ha!
Plus, check out this fab sauerkraut as well from Loving Foods. It's all organic and raw. Plus tastes amazing, so much so I stand in the kitchen eating it all up... with a fork... from the jar... in my dressing gown! ha ha! 

I used to make my own dumplings, but with work being so busy I ended up buying in frozen ones. These are my 'dumpling upgrades' and taste amazing too! Ok, will stop obsessing about dumplings now... I wonder if I could just cook up a quick batch now.....?? :)

Then, continued with the outdoors theme on Saturday and went for a glorious walk with some amazing friends/family to Dunham Massey. I've not been here in quite some time and it has changed a bit. There is a nice cafe/restaurant now which we had a little coffee break in. Such a fun day out! Thanks for the great day Laura - looking forwards to the next catch up!


I love this picture ha ha! Look how serious this guy is cutting his burger in half! You can read his mind "Please don't fall apart!" ha ha! Saturday night we were craving Bundabust - but Bunda was full! Bugger! 45 minute wait and I was getting hangry as well - yes I said hangry not hungry! So, we wandered across the road to Byron for a burger.

This is the only one I've not been to before and it was really nice. Much smaller than the others but still lovely. Plus we got there at the perfect time as there was a queue for tables after we sat down - it's like it was meant to be!

Ginger beer and a burger is heaven to me! (non-alcoholic of course) and a cream soda for hubs - just realised he looks like the guy on the can! haaaa! He will KILL me for saying that! ha ha ha! Love you babe!

Bean Patties - Obvs!

Byron is one of those places where I never switch it up I'm afraid! Always a bean patty, always sweet potato fries, always courgette fries and ALWAYS byron sauce! God! More comfort food! I'm obsessed!

Sunday Funday Pancake Day!

As long as it's in the same week right?? I wish I had time to cook pancakes on Tuesday but when you get in at 9:30pm it's not the first thing you want to do!

These are my fav recipe as they are so light. Gluten free with Coyo Yoghurt, blueberries, bee pollen, maple syrup and cacao nibs. Super healthy and taste fab! - Yet again, more comfort food ha ha! I can see a pattern here!

Had a lovely Sunday roast at Hispi in Didsbury. Not been back here in ages and the food is so good, I keep wondering why I'm not there every week! I will defo be working on that!

2 veggie roasts and a beef for hubs. Absolutely scrummy!

Plus the biggest Yorkshire Pudding I've ever seen!

It was a 2 course Sunday special so dessert was included... well it would be rude not to right ;) 

Hubs and Mamma went for the chocolate swiss roll and I had a rhubarb and apple crumble. This crumble topping was perfect, not hard and crunchy but as it should be... crumbly!

New snack obsession! Homemade salted caramel chocolate bars. I made the chocolate with raw cacao butter and cocoa powder. Filled it with blitzed dates and made a biscuit base with oats and coconut flour. Will put up the recipe soon, was based on a Deliciously Ella one and it's honestly amazing!

Still obsessed with matcha lattes. I love this cup so much, only because it's true! ha ha!

This is also another fav snack of mine, bananas and almond butter. It doesn't sound amazing but it's just so... comforting! Oh god, I'm turning into a granny who's only going to eat mash potato and gravy! ha ha! Seriously though, do try it when you fancy a snack. It's actually quite filling as well. You can always swap the banana for apple though if you're not a fan!

So there you have it, my week of comfort food and spending time with friends and family. What can I say... it was pretty perfect actually!

I hope you had a lovely week!

Thanks so much for reading,

Big love,

Em x

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