LITTLE GEMS: Eating Out Like Crazy! The Garden, The Con Club, The Yard, Porta, The Greenhouse, Suri, The Whitworth and Fox!

Hello, welcome back to my blog! I actually can't believe how much I've eaten out this week. There's quite a lot to get through so let's get going...

Post yoga breakfast this week at The Garden in Hale. I had one of their acai bowls and an 'I Am Well' hot tonic. I've never had one of their acai bowls before as I usually make them myself at home, but it was really good. I don't think I could ever make mine even look this good at home ha ha! It looked and tasted stunning!

Had a lovely meal out with my Mamma this week at The Con Club. I am OBSESSED with the sushi here. The rolls are massive! Please don't get me wrong, I do still love Victor's, but the sushi here is very hard to beat. We always have the salmon rolls and the dragon rolls plus some tender stem broccoli too.

Yum yum yum!!

Oh and dessert... of course he he! Can't beat a warm chocolate brownie!

Had okra one night for a change. We cooked it two ways, one was pan fried and one was oven roasted. They both tasted great. I know they don't look very beautiful, but the taste was good. Plus I love me a bit of savoy cabbage and brown rice too :)

This was quite a cool experiment. So, I had some plums in the fridge that I had cooked and not eaten. Mum gave me them as they were too sour so I put them in the oven with a few whole cloves, cinnamon and coconut sugar. Then, a night or so later I decided to make crumble with them. Apart from the fact I couldn't be bothered to make a proper crumble - I was feeling ultra lazy but at the same time I wanted crumble! Sooo.... in a bowl I melted some coconut oil and maple syrup. I then poured this over some muesli and stir it together. Sprinkled it over the fruit and popped it in the oven! Ta Dah!! Home made 'healthy' crumble! Happy days!!

Wednesday night I went to a Supper Club at the Yard in Alderley Edge co-hosted by The Garden. It was to celebrate International Women's Day and it was truly inspiring. I met the lovely Mel Wells from the 'I am Mel Wells' blog. She did a lovely reading from her book (which I ended up purchasing too. Really enjoying reading it!) If you want to read the full post, you can do here.

Friday lunch I had a delicious plate of salads from The Greenhouse Restaurant. I've said it before I know, but their salads are amazing! This one did not disappoint either.

Friday night we decided to go to Porta by Alty Market. You can't book a table here so it can be a bit touch an go if you're eating at peak times (which we were). We were so lucky, a table just left as I came in and we got a really cute seat upstairs.

We ordered sooo much food! It is absolutely delicious! Like amazing food! Everything is freshly made and tastes that way too. It all has so much flavour and I really can't rave about this place enough!

This is the perfect kind of place for me. I am a real grazer when it comes to food and I love picking at bits instead of having a massive plateful. As it's all tapas, you get so many flavours to try. It's uber casual and so you can be comfy whilst you're stuffing your face as well! I could eat here everyday! You must try it!

Calamari, tomato bread, padron peppers and potato and onion tortilla

patatas bravas


Chocolate mousse with honeycomb! This was delicious as well, only problem was it had a lot of dairy in it :( I kind of devoured the honeycomb and a bit of chocolate and hubs polished off the rest - I think he was more than happy to as well ha ha!
I had an Earl Grey Tea (still addicted Miri!) and hubs had a coffee. Fab end to a fab meal!

Killer breakfast on Saturday morning! Veggie sausage rolls with fried onions. It was like hangover food - just without the hangover! ha ha! I love these Cauldron veggie sausages. They taste so much like a normal sausage as well - just without all the crap inside!

FINALLY made it to the Whitworth on Saturday. Wanted to come here for quite some time and we did! Lovely museum with a great coffee shop too.

So this piece is made out of writing! How cleaver is that!

Check it out!

Loved the views from the coffee shop. Plus daffodils are some of my fav flowers - I think it takes me back to being a kid making them for Mother's Day with kitchen roll tubes and crepe paper! Anybody else remember that??

Fabulously designed cafe

Then, Saturday night we went to a new restaurant on King Street called Suri. It's a Persian restaurant I think. Beautifully designed!

I don't want to share too much as I will be doing a full post on this place soon. Check out this chocolate slab! Just realised I've had 3 chocolate desserts this week! Oh dear, might have to chill it out a bit next week!

Sunday Funday! This was my third acai bowl this week! (I made one on Thursday but the picture didn't come out well). So excited for it to get warmer now. These actually taste of Summer to me. It's just a bowl of sunshine goodness. Granola, chia seeds, coconut, bee pollen, mulberries, cacao nibs and berries on top. It was like there was a party in my mouth!

Saw these tulips in Tesco the other day and couldn't not buy them. So many clients have commented on them. How beautiful are they!

I had a Sunday roast at Fox for lunch. It actually doesn't look like a lot but I was super stuffed after it (plus I polished off Mamma's leftover tatas and yorkie he he!) 

I've not had a Sunday roast here really since it opened and it was really nice. It's funny how they all have the same ingredients and yet they can taste so different. The potatoes were super crunchy (exactly how I like them) and we had a chickpea cake instead of the beef. Last time the chickpea cake wasn't that great, but it was really tasty this time!

I'm sure you've seen a lot of these pics if you follow me on social media. I have a new found love for matcha lattes and have been drinking them a lot more often. I found if I add a small squeeze of honey and use rice milk they are really lovely. Then, blitz them up in my Nutri Bullet they froth up a bit too. Definitely beats a normal latte in my opinion!

Anyhoo, I hope you've had a good week.

Thanks so much for reading,

Big love,

Em x


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