Tuna with black olive tapenade

I made this one night at about 9pm after work and it took literally minutes to make! Tasted great too! Always the way, the best recipes come without proper planning :)
Tuna with black olive tapenade
            1 tuna steak
            ½ cup pitted black olives
            ½ garlic glove
1tsp extra virgin olive oil
            ¼ tsp.Fresh or dried oregano
Salt and pepper
Squeeze of lemon juice
1.       Preheat the grill to high
2.       In a food chopper, add the olives, herbs, garlic and seasoning and blitz  until finely chopped but not to a paste
3.       Stir in lemon juice and olive oil
4.       Grill the tuna to your liking – for me its ‘under-done’. 2 minutes on one side then 3 minutes on the other but you cook it to what you are comfortable with and how thick the fish is
5.       Serve with some steamed tenderstem broccoli or asparagus drizzled with garlic infused olive oil (and if you're feeling like you need a bit 'extra', a bit of spaghetti like I did here)


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