Lime and Coconut Salmon with Kale and Broccoli Salad

So, I made this last night as a last minute thing. The lime and coconut is a great combination with the fish and is something I've never tried before.

Lime and Coconut Salmon with Kale and Broccoli Salad

For the marinade...

2 'squirts' of lime juice
1/2 tbsp teriyaki sauce

Kale salad.

1/2 tbsp coconut oil
2 handfuls of kale
1 head of broccoli
1 red chilli (de-seeded if you don't want it too hot) sliced thinly
1 clove garlic sliced thinly
1/4 tsp sugar
salt and pepper


  • Marinade the fish for half and hour to an hour in the teriyaki and lime juice
  • In a fry pan, warm the coconut oil and add the garlic and chilli
  • Fry the broccoli for a couple of minutes until charred and then add the kale
  • Fry for a few more minutes, then add the sugar, salt and pepper and a splash of water (stand back and be careful as this will spit)
  • Continue to fry until all the water has disappeared and set aside in a bowl
  • Add some more coconut oil to the pan and once hot add the salmon to the pan
  • Cook the salmon to your liking - I like mine slightly underdone so around 3 minutes on one side and 4 on the other and then serve with the warm salad 


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