Coconut Kale Chips

One of my fav snacks, great just to bung into the oven if it has been on or put them under the grill. These lovely little snacks only take minutes to make and even less to munch on he he!

Coconut Kale Chips

½ Bag of chopped kale washed and dried
1 tbsp. melted coconut oil or flavour infused olive oil (if you don’t like the coconut flavour)
1 tsp. sesame seeds
Salt and pepper to taste

Method –
1.       Preheat the grill to a medium to high heat
2.       In a large bowl mix all the ingredients together
3.       Place on a lined baking tray and grill for 3 minutes, after 3 minutes turn the kale over and grill again for another 3 minutes or until crispy.


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