My Super Love Bowl

My Super Love Bowl

So... I really wanted a change for my brekkie. Now and again I like to switch things up and this is so so good! Even made one for hubby!!
Its packed full of ingredients that will keep those hunger pangs at bay...
Chia seeds, oats, cacao nibs, berries, coconut and yoghurt with a squeeze of honey/agarve or whichever sweetener 'tickles your fancy' - tastes like a frozen desert for breakfast :)
Here's my very basic recipe...

Ingredients (this depends on how much you personally want, but this is what I like)

½ tbsp. yoghurt
2 tbsp. porridge oats
3 tbsp frozen berries (I like blueberries and raspberries)
1 tbsp coconut flakes
½ tbsp chia seeds
1 tbsp cacao nibs
½ tbsp sweetener e.g. agarve/honey/maple syrup


Mix everything together really well and enjoy - oh so divine J

Oh... and I call it the love bowl cos its pink, beautiful and I love it he he 

Emmaline xxx

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